Recent content by Bhríde

  1. Bhríde

    Do Jaw and Neck Movements Affect Your Tinnitus?

    Hey thanks for all that info! I printed those resources off and showed them to my chiropractor who's been working on my C1 and C2. She also believes the culprit is my jaw and neck. Last week I began a new treatment with my massage therapist who is certified to do Rapid Adhesion Release...
  2. Bhríde

    Do Jaw and Neck Movements Affect Your Tinnitus?

    Thanks for replying. How do you know your tinnitus is permanent?
  3. Bhríde

    Do Jaw and Neck Movements Affect Your Tinnitus?

    Hi all, I'm still trying to figure out how I developed tinnitus last September. Been seeing a few health care practitioners, trying a few things and reading up on it. I've had two hearing tests (hearing is absolutely fine) and an MRI (which showed nothing untoward. I had the MRI because I'd...
  4. Bhríde

    Hello to Everyone

    I'm sorry it's been awhile since I've posted. My Macbook at home is out of commission so the only real proper internet time I get is on breaks at work (typing on my iphone is a royal pain). Just wanted to give an update. This past Monday I went back to the second doctor and got a prescription...
  5. Bhríde

    Hello to Everyone

    Thanks for that! I'll give it a read.
  6. Bhríde

    Hello to Everyone

    Bill, thank you so much for your reply! Your comments and suggestions are much appreciated! You've given me alot of hope too :) Sadly, the S-5000 Deluxe is over $300 Canadian, but I did find this model which I've ordered. It also has the timer function and I can get sound cards to plug in...
  7. Bhríde

    Hello to Everyone

    Couldn't edit my original post so that I'd add that during the day I find it easier to cope, as it's not screeching or overly loud. I can sit in a room with ambient outdoor sounds and although I know the noise is there, if I don't focus on it I don't hear it. I miss the silence, but that's...
  8. Bhríde

    Hello to Everyone

    Hi there, I've been lurking on the forum for a few days and thought I'd sign up and introduce myself. Sorry for what I suspect will be a lengthy post. I have had ringing/humming in my head for one week. I'm not sure what caused it. It could be damage from loud noise; it could be ETD; it...