Recent content by billie48

  1. billie48

    Constantly Changing Tinnitus Tones, & Struggling with Hearing Loss and Uncertainty for the Future

    Welcome to the forum. I understand your situation, as I also lost all hearing in my left ear a few years ago. Along with that, I have a jet-engine-like tinnitus in my deaf ear and a high-pitched, dentist-drill-like tinnitus in my right ear. Right now, I am habituated to the tinnitus and living...
  2. billie48

    My Life Changed After a Panic Attack from Researching Surgery for Eye Floaters — Tinnitus Now Much Worse

    Sorry about your spike. Setbacks are very common with new tinnitus, especially when you’re still feeling a lot of stress about it. Try to stay as calm as you can because too much anxiety will cause your limbic system to treat the ringing as a serious threat. This can activate the fight-or-flight...
  3. billie48

    Tinnitus and BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo)

    Welcome to the forum. You are truly brave and resilient to have lived with tinnitus for so long. Perhaps you could share a success story so that new sufferers can see that it is possible to live with tinnitus in the long term. For vertigo caused by BPPV, you might find the “Half Somersault”...
  4. billie48

    My Life Changed After a Panic Attack from Researching Surgery for Eye Floaters — Tinnitus Now Much Worse

    It seems that much of your suffering right now is mental, which is definitely impacting you physically, such as by causing trouble sleeping. My success story includes helpful strategies for addressing the mental challenges of living with tinnitus. I hope you’ll find something useful in it.
  5. billie48

    Tone Generator Video Gave Me Tinnitus

    Any improvement is a positive sign that, with time, your tinnitus may fade or become less intrusive. Stay hopeful. Maintaining a positive mindset can help reduce stress and anxiety, which in turn supports the process of habituation. I hope your condition continues to improve. Best wishes, and...
  6. billie48

    My Life Changed After a Panic Attack from Researching Surgery for Eye Floaters — Tinnitus Now Much Worse

    Welcome to the forum. Your tinnitus is still relatively new, so it is unstable and may bring many symptoms and setbacks. This can be frightening for a new sufferer and cause worry about the future. Right now, your limbic nervous system is activated, putting you in a fight-or-flight mode, which...
  7. billie48

    Was My Tinnitus Caused by Stress, Ear Irrigation, Noise Sensitivity or ETD? Trouble with Sleep

    Welcome to the forum. Determining the cause of tinnitus can be challenging, as it often results from multiple factors working together over time. Sometimes, tinnitus can start suddenly at night without any clear reason—this is how mine began as well. The first step is to consult an ENT...
  8. billie48

    I lost all hearing on the left ear even after all the standard treatments such as steroid...

    I lost all hearing on the left ear even after all the standard treatments such as steroid injection and hyperbolic oxygen treatment.
  9. billie48

    @delta784 It happened without any reasons that I was aware. Just woke up and the left ear was...

    @delta784 It happened without any reasons that I was aware. Just woke up and the left ear was gone and severe vertigo followed. No I wasn't stressed at all around that time. SSHL is known to strike without reason.
  10. billie48

    Decades of Tinnitus: A Rare Glimpse of Silence

    Welcome to the forum, and thank you for sharing your positive story. You have the potential to inspire others, offering hope that their tinnitus may fade or that they can eventually habituate to it with time. If your moments of silence continue, you might consider writing a success story to...
  11. billie48

    Struggling with Tinnitus and Musical Hallucinations

    Welcome to the forum. The Introduction section tends to have fewer readers, so you may not receive many responses regarding musical hallucinations or “musical ears.” However, there have been numerous discussions on this topic in the past. You might want to use the search function to explore...
  12. billie48

    @Delta12 , thank you for contacting me. Sorry you suffer so much from tinnitus. At the start we...

    @Delta12 , thank you for contacting me. Sorry you suffer so much from tinnitus. At the start we usually suffer much as the ringing is so alien. Given time we will get better. I had to use medications too to help me, Ativan, Prozac, and sleeping bills. Check my success story "From Darkness to...
  13. billie48

    Tinnitus from Stress or Burnout: Looking for Advice and Experiences

    You may have experienced acoustic trauma from firing those weapons, as it can be a cumulative issue. Stress is also a common contributing factor to tinnitus, and it’s possible that multiple factors caused your condition. If stress is a key factor, it’s beneficial to engage in relaxation...
  14. billie48

    Forgot About Tinnitus for 5 Years, and Now It’s Back: My Journey to Coping Again

    Welcome to the forum. It seems you have turned a corner toward habituation, which is a wonderful step forward. This is a common experience for many members who have shared their success stories, including my own, titled “From Darkness to Light...” Both tinnitus itself and our perception of it...
  15. billie48

    Tinnitus Started After Putting a Finger in My Ear

    Welcome to the forum. There might not be enough readers in the Introduction section to discuss your symptoms. You could repost your condition in the main support forum or search for related topics, such as "tinnitus from ear suction," to find previous posts about similar experiences. Suction...