Recent content by Bleep

  1. Bleep

    Found a Set of Supplements That Reduced Tinnitus by More Than 70%

    You're a winner but we are not supposed to sugarcoat it: it is all a placebo + luck. You are starting to heal and you will never be certain to what degree. I was in same boat as you. I was very hopeful and not patient. This website has a very nice community, and they're all very sweet. And it...
  2. Bleep

    Why Is There No Tinnitus Cure?

    Sorry, but I disagree. I always had tinnitus in the form of a loud train. I thought my head would explode and that others could hear it too. But it disappeared for a while, in phases. Now it is back. And usually, mild tinnitus sufferers can live with it after a quick year if it still continues...
  3. Bleep

    Why Is There No Tinnitus Cure?

    :) this post just made me smile.
  4. Bleep

    Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Tinnitus?

    When you read what the causes are for tinnitus, the list is pretty long. But nowhere could I find if impacted wisdom teeth could cause tinnitus. It might not seem logical, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. So what is your take on this?
  5. Bleep

    How to Be with Someone Having Tinnitus?

    Never really had a relationship, but I used to talk online with guys in the past who had no regards for my problem. I think IRL it is probably even worse. I don’t want to date, almost. Even my family members seem to not understand my problem, they think I’m exaggerating when I want to take a...
  6. Bleep

    If Your Tinnitus Was Cured, What Would Be the First Thing You Do Afterwards?

    I would be so happy, I wouldn‘t be able to know what I‘d do.
  7. Bleep

    Whooshing Sounds in Back of Head When I Stand

    As the title says... not sure if this is even pulsatile tinnitus but you never know. I have a severe fever by the way and this started during the fever's onset. So do you think I‘m describing pulsatile tinnitus or is hearing your „blood“ completely normal when you are sick?
  8. Bleep

    Does Hearing Loss Cause Tinnitus?

    my bad, i misread it. thanks!
  9. Bleep

    Does Hearing Loss Cause Tinnitus?

    But what does this mean then? "Although tinnitus is often associated with hearing loss, it does not cause the loss, nor does a hearing loss cause tinnitus."
  10. Bleep

    Does Hearing Loss Cause Tinnitus?

    I've read many times that hearing loss can be a cause of tinnitus yet here it says the opposite. If it's true that hearing loss causes tinnitus in the first place I'd like to read a reliable source of it.
  11. Bleep

    Acupuncture Cured Me

    Personally, I don‘t think the accupuncture is the reason why your Tinnitus spiked. It might not work for everyone, but it certainly does no harm. No, it didn‘t get worse. But...I do have to mention that before my tinnitus sounds gets decibels lower it always spikes extremely hard for a few days...
  12. Bleep

    Acupuncture Cured Me

    It did work a bit, it helped me to stress less. But the herbs was doing the most. I think you should try a combination of it really. The t was in my ears. Some days it‘s still 24/7, other days it‘s only 5 hours a day. The cause of mine was definitely either stress or an ototoxoc reaction. As for...
  13. Bleep

    Acupuncture Cured Me

    Yes I‘m still here :)
  14. Bleep

    Acupuncture Cured Me

    @Dginomobile Hi! About the herbs..there are a lot of ingredients, I‘ll post a pic of the ingredients here the next time I‘m online. Don‘t expect much of the accupuncture as much as the h My tinnitus was high pitched and 24/7 as well. Now it’s still high pitched, just not 24/7. Because i havent...
  15. Bleep

    Acupuncture Cured Me

    Okay so I definitely improved with a combination of tinnitus and herbs. Check this video out because she explains better than I can do what accupuncture can do for you: