Recent content by Blom

  1. Blom

    Low Steady Tinnitus for 15+ Years from Loud Music, Made Worse by COVID-19 Infection / Booster

    @UKBloke, indeed. I had two other vaccinations quite some time before the onset of the enhanced tinnitus. These vaccinations did not cause the enhanced tinnitus, I am sure of that at least. I think COVID-19 itself is more likely to have caused it rather than the booster but unfortunately...
  2. Blom

    Low Steady Tinnitus for 15+ Years from Loud Music, Made Worse by COVID-19 Infection / Booster

    Hi Nick, yes, the hearing loss and tinnitus are bilateral but my perception is that it dominates in the left ear. The left ear is also where I have the transient 'ping' sensations more frequently. You are right that I may have taken the Moderna booster too soon (I think the advice is to wait 3...
  3. Blom

    Low Steady Tinnitus for 15+ Years from Loud Music, Made Worse by COVID-19 Infection / Booster

    Thanks for reading and responding to my story! Likewise, I am sorry to read that your ability to enjoy music has been impacted as well. When I grew up earplugs were not even around, but even if they were, probably "not accepted" at the punk/metal concerts I attended... We thought we needed to be...
  4. Blom

    Low Steady Tinnitus for 15+ Years from Loud Music, Made Worse by COVID-19 Infection / Booster

    Hi everyone, I am a fit 55-year old New Yorker and suffering from variable tinnitus. I've had a low level steady tinnitus with hearing loss for 15+ years that didn't bother me much. This was caused by overexposure to loud music. I kind of accepted this as a hangover of so much fun at festivals...