Recent content by Blue Princess

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    Tinnitus Started 17 Days After Stapedectomy; Constant Hissing in Operated Ear for Six Days!

    Hi Matt, My surgery on the left year was done 30 years ago and to this date I have absolutely no complaint. My hearing on that ear is nearly perfect. However, my surgery on the other ear done 6 months ago did not have as good results. My hearing got better from almost deaf to 50% range, but the...
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    Steroids: Prednisone / Dexamethasone / Others (Oral and Intratympanic Injections)

    Hi, My T started 3 weeks after a stapedectomy surgery on my right ear and I am having it for 3 weeks now. Never had it before the surgery. My surgeon prescribed Prednisone. Started today. Has anyone had similar experience?
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    Hi RMK, I am having Tinnitus after stapedectomy. Curious to know how you are doing now. Any...

    Hi RMK, I am having Tinnitus after stapedectomy. Curious to know how you are doing now. Any update will be greatly appreciated. BP
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    I'm having similar experience of T after stapedectomy. Any update from you will be greatly...

    I'm having similar experience of T after stapedectomy. Any update from you will be greatly appreciated.
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    Tinnitus Started 17 Days After Stapedectomy; Constant Hissing in Operated Ear for Six Days!

    Hi AG, I am curious to know how you are doing now. I had my stapedectomy done 5 weeks ago and I woke up middle of the night a week ago and heard a noise in my operated ear. Since then it never went away. It's sometimes louder than other times. Getting depressed as I'm not sure what to expect...