Recent content by Blunto

  1. Blunto

    Hello everyone, I need help!

    I have yet to find an ENT or other Dr. that is determined to help try and cure or reduce my Tinnitus. However this forum has been very helpful. I read somewhere where one woman was cured by her Dr. prescribing a high dose pack of Prednisone, 60 mg/day for 14 days, followed by a five-day taper...
  2. Blunto


    There are some promising treatments or cures on the horizon such as AM-101 by Auris medical and Vagus nerve stimualtion developed by MicroTransponder as well but unfortunately are still in clinical trials and not approved by FDA , but hopefully soon! I have already tried Acamposate (Campral)...
  3. Blunto

    Hello... Tinnitus is driving me crazy... maybe help on the horizon?

    Thanks James for the reply, I have already found this forum to be "a good place". It will help myself and others understand and deal with this ringing nightmare. I'm sure there is a cure on the horizon for many people and look forward in hearing about the success stories! Just to give an update...
  4. Blunto

    Introducing myself and asking for advice

    Sounds like TMJ and neck muscle spasms could be the cause. Some people think the Tensor tympani muscle that is in spasm can cause Tinnitus. I'm seeing a TMJ specialist right now and he has help the jaw and neck pain a liitle bit however the tinnitus has not gone away yet. He fitted me with a...
  5. Blunto

    New Long-Time Sufferer Here, Don't Know How Much More I Can Take

    Hang in there Kevin... there is hope on the horizon. Have you tried Acomprosate? I'm trying it now, Day 8... no big improvement yet, but it's worth a shot. Hopefully soon AM-101 by Auris medical will be availiable or VNS (Vagus nerve stimulation) by Microtransponder.
  6. Blunto

    Hello... Tinnitus is driving me crazy... maybe help on the horizon?

    :welcomesignanimation:I've had Tinnitus for about 2 years now. At first, it was just intermittent... it hit me a couple times a week for only 5 to 10 minutes at a clip. Then around the beginning of 2013, I believe I know the event that triggered the full blown constant loud ringing. Before that...