Recent content by bobbedazzler

  1. bobbedazzler

    Tinnitus That Recurs Every Couple of Minutes, Yet Only Lasts ~30 Seconds

    Thanks so much for your reply. That gives me a great basis for doing a bit of research on it. And I feel relieved that a) it's actually a thing, and b) I'm not on my own... I've felt very isolated with it all because you're right, it is quite hard to live with. Thankfully it has...
  2. bobbedazzler

    Tinnitus That Recurs Every Couple of Minutes, Yet Only Lasts ~30 Seconds

    Hi all, I just wondered if anyone has tinnitus that only lasts for maybe 30 seconds a time but is recurring every couple of minutes? I used to have a white noise kind of tinnitus in my left ear that was pretty constant but for the last 12 months I've had this new type that is much louder and...