Recent content by bobvann

  1. bobvann

    When I Whistle, I Hear an Accompanying Note

    I hate people who whistle. It drives me nuts. Especially when they make the bird sounds.
  2. bobvann

    Tinnitus Much Worse After Eating?

    My tinnitus sometimes actually calms down after eating.
  3. bobvann

    Treble Health: Exploitation of Tinnitus Sufferers

    Doogie Howser-looking motherfucker! Ben Thompson deleted my YouTube comment and the link that was posted here in regards to TRT vs. Standard of Care.
  4. bobvann

    Anxiety from Tinnitus: How Have You Managed?

    I'm in my 8th year and not even close to any form of habituation. I'm glad it works for some.
  5. bobvann


    Well, another interesting real-life tale today. A housekeeper where I work is a musician, and so are his brothers. One of them developed chronic tinnitus. He saw a "medical professional" who gave him the whole Liam Stops Tinnitus dietary crap BS. He only wound up with other health issues from...
  6. bobvann


    Where did I say women did not suffer just as badly? I was referring to the female doctor trying to pressure me into taking medications by creating doom-and-gloom scenarios & very aggressively so. There may be a chicken-and-egg scenario when it comes to blood pressure and tinnitus. Is it the...
  7. bobvann


    Same here. A female doctor filling in for my GP tried to push blood pressure medications on me as well. The other crock of shit in regards to tinnitus is; "it's in your brain, not in your ears." If that's the case, why does my wife see my left ear turning red and purple on a spiky day, and an...
  8. bobvann

    What’s the Last Movie You Watched?

    Pretty cool.
  9. bobvann

    What’s the Last Movie You Watched?

    Argyle. 2 plus hours I will never get back...
  10. bobvann

    A Condition Worse Than Tinnitus: Interstitial Cystitis

    My interstitial cystitis did not rob me of playing music...
  11. bobvann


    I work in health care. I was asking someone for a reference to a psychologist to help me cope. Someone overheard me, and may offer to help. 1. What further is there to lose? 2. It's 100% covered under my two insurance plans.
  12. bobvann

    Natural Supplements for Anxiety?

    I'm curious about this, too.
  13. bobvann

    A Condition Worse Than Tinnitus: Interstitial Cystitis

    I have both interstitial cystitis and tinnitus. Tinnitus is far worse (in my case, anyhow).
  14. bobvann

    Tinnitus Handicap Inventory

    We learn a lot on forums, like current 'treatments" do not work for everyone, and not everyone will be able to habituate. I love the way clinicians or anyone wanting to "sell" you their treatments say to stay away from the internet. They know dammed well that we will share the truth. Why should...
  15. bobvann

    Tinnitus Handicap Inventory

    I scored high on THI, too; it's a joke. Even though the "handicap" part is supposed to demonstrate disability, good luck getting anyone to acknowledge it. Like all the 'pros" say, it's only a benign sound. My wife told me 2 days ago, when I was having a bad spike, that my left ear was really red...