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I was working, then retired, now working again. I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with me. Is this brain damage, ear damage, both, or something else?
For now, I have accepted the fact that I have tinnitus and there is
not much I can do about it. I'm here in this forum looking for answers. I can manage it with distraction, music, hobbies, etc.
I'm currently testing hearing aids and earplugs to help manage the noise around me. My tinnitus seems to be the worst in the morning, when my environment is the quietest. The least bothersome during the day when I'm quite busy, and nonexistent while sleeping. I'm finding that hearing aids allow me to hear more sounds from minor hearing loss, and thus more sounds for my brain to process, lessening the effects of tinnitus.
Custom made earplugs help reduce future hearing damage in noisy environments. I keep them with me wherever I go. Now looking into meditation to help me
accept and manage the tinnitus.
I use sound machines and non repeating tonal sounds with my cellphone to help manage my problem. For instance, many interesting sounds can be found on the Internet. The best so far is the
Tinnitus-Neuromodulator. It produces the most amazing random sounds to distract my brain from tinnitus. I listen to it when I really need relief.