Recent content by Brett Bolzenthal

  1. Brett Bolzenthal

    Reactive Tinnitus or What is it exactly?

    I pray that we can all experience a breakthrough and tremendous healing. Waking up this morning, I couldn't hear it or didn't recognize it for a little while. Most times when it is present it is almost like a pulsing sound and not steady at about 12500 hz to 13500 hz somewhere in there it...
  2. Brett Bolzenthal

    Reactive Tinnitus or What is it exactly?

    I do find that if I am in a quiet spot or have 2 ear plugs in (even though the left ear is the one that has the sounds) I can get to the point where I can barely notice or hear the T. I'll look into the CBT. I am still hoping/ praying since this came on with a virus/ flu it will go away in...
  3. Brett Bolzenthal

    Reactive Tinnitus or What is it exactly?

    I appreciate the detailed information. It's very helpful and encouraging. The Doctor and ENT still want to put me on Prednisone and Flonaise Nasal Steroid. I already deal with Anxiety and Panic attacks so my wife won't even let me touch the Prednisone. Not sure I would want to anyway. I...
  4. Brett Bolzenthal

    Reactive Tinnitus or What is it exactly?

    Hi, So I'm going on a little over a month now, and while I was very sensitive to some sounds like running water and even feeling like my head was shaking from some sounds. Some things have improved in that area, but my tinnitus changes in sound and gets worse when around certain sounds. Like...
  5. Brett Bolzenthal

    New to Tinnitus November 20th, 2013 — After 5 Days of Fever

    Thank you for your thoughts. Doctor did not see any ear infections and ear drum tested normal. The only other thing I noticed aside from things being fairly quiet with an ear plug in the left ear and even quieter with an ear plug in both ears other than the pressure sounds and slight ringing...
  6. Brett Bolzenthal

    New to Tinnitus November 20th, 2013 — After 5 Days of Fever

    GP originally put me on Flonase as I had swollen gland areas of my neck but ears looked good. The ENT did nothing, said to check back in a month. I wondering if maybe mine is more like the one above you mentioned or Hyperacusis? Reason I say this, is that I noticed that voices, TV, The...
  7. Brett Bolzenthal

    New to Tinnitus November 20th, 2013 — After 5 Days of Fever

    Hi my name is Brett, I'm 38 years old, hadn't been to concerts or any loud environments, just a realtor. Suddenly, had a sore throat and eventually, a cough and fever that lasted 5 days at least of 103.2 Then out of the blue I started to get a loud ringing like altitude in my right ear that...