Recent content by Brian Newman

  1. Brian Newman

    Warning for People with Noxacusis: For the Love of God, Protect Your Ears!

    Hey, same as usual, hanging in there, I’m still around. I don’t go to forums much; I keep distracted by Xbox all day.
  2. Brian Newman

    A Year of Reactive Tinnitus and Severe Hyperacusis

    Dude, will you just stop with the gaslighting? I have many people message me, furious with what you are always saying. Saying you know best, Pawel Jastreboff knows best, saying noxacusis is not a condition, reactive tinnitus is not real. Nobody asked you. Sound therapy is so outdated it’s...
  3. Brian Newman

    Surgically Cutting the Tympanic Muscle in an Effort to Help Severe Noxacusis (Pain Hyperacusis)!

    I did not have the surgery. I ended up getting so bad that the drive isn’t even an option. The noise from the surgery and all the beeping machines would kill me. Just sticking it out in a soundproof room.
  4. Brian Newman

    4 Months Post Acoustic Trauma: Facial Tingling and Nerve Pain Persist

    Give it time. Noxacusis can take a long time to heal. Hang in there. Keep doing what you are doing, and protect your ears.
  5. Brian Newman

    Trigger Warning: My Friend's Husband Killed Her and Himself Because of His Severe Tinnitus

    Okay, nobody should harm another person due to their medical conditions but you come off horribly arrogant. “A bit of ringing in the ear.” Never once have I ever thought about hurting another person because of my severe tinnitus and catastrophic noxacusis, but you come on the wrong place to...
  6. Brian Newman

    Severe Noxacusis (Pain Hyperacusis) — Feels Like My Life Is Over

    I have to make sure I’m in a quiet room and no noise in the house at all, take my hearing protection off, use a manual toothbrush and brush as long as I can. Twice a day I floss at night before bed. Once a week I use a plaque scraper and gently pick off any hardening tarter. So far so good. On...
  7. Brian Newman

    Dealing with People Who Don't Care About Your Hyperacusis

    You’re a much nicer person than I am. I would have gladly fought him. I’m sorry that happened to you. People suck. If there’s anything I have learned with having severe noxacusis, it’s you must stay away from people. It’s the only way to deal with this if you got it bad, or else you will keep...
  8. Brian Newman

    Flying, Cinemas, Bars and Other Activities with Hyperacusis/Noxacusis

    Feeling better? Nice. It’s comforting to read realistic stories, not those TRT, positive thinking, retrain your brain crap lol. Glad you got some normalcy back. I would avoid all loud places in general and just have earplugs in my pocket just in case. It seems most people who get better test...
  9. Brian Newman

    How Would I Know If I Am About to Develop Pain Hyperacusis (Noxacusis)?

    If the pain can be described specifically and doesn’t linger, it’s probably not noxacusis. I wouldn’t classify tingling as noxacusis. It’s probably just another crazy side effect of hearing damage. Just do your best to set it off as little as possible and you should be fine.
  10. Brian Newman

    Earplugs Making Hyperacusis Worse?

    That’s temporary; in no way can overprotection make tinnitus permanently worse. Temporarily louder, sure. And why did you tag me and my comment? I was talking about hyperacusis. Painful muscle spasms is middle ear related. Relaxation and not being anxious can help the middle ear relax. So...
  11. Brian Newman

    Hyperacusis Cured/Reduced by Clomipramine

    Good for you. Nobody is trying to be doom and gloom; some people want reality. The majority seem to want false hope and to be coddled and lied to. This a different story but the reason I am so bad is because I listened to mild loudness hyperacusis patients who recommended to do sound therapy...
  12. Brian Newman

    Sound Distortion When I Speak, Hyperacusis & Tinnitus — Unusual Case: A Plea for Advice

    I had them over every sound yes, different for different frequencies. The voice ones were the first to go away. I never got tested but I probably had COVID-19 like a few months before all of this so who knows. It definitely didn’t help.
  13. Brian Newman

    Sound Distortion When I Speak, Hyperacusis & Tinnitus — Unusual Case: A Plea for Advice

    I have a bad case of distortions. I’m about 3 years in. The first 6 months I had beeping over every sound, not just my voice - it was horrible. I could no longer mask my tinnitus because every sound sounded horrible. It seems like the meds might have caused some issues with your ears and made...
  14. Brian Newman

    Warning for People with Noxacusis: For the Love of God, Protect Your Ears!

    Thanks. I hope you start feeling better too. This is not fun at all. Try Mack’s Ultra Comfort earplugs, the skin colored ones, they protect way more than Loop earplugs. It depends how bad you are but Loop is OK if you’re a mild case and just need a slight filter. The Mack’s Ultra Comfort...