Recent content by buffy

  1. buffy

    Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Thank you Karen! Your words made me feel better again, Whooshers kind of freaked me out! I don't have high blood pressure. Congrats to you for getting your BP under control without meds! I'll try to get some sleep now, it's midnight here. Thank you again for your very kind, informative and...
  2. buffy

    Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Thank you, Karen! I'll call my GP first thing tomorrow. Before low sounds like distant traffic obscured the whooshing, now the whooshing can be heard over the tv even. I checked out Whooshers - really scary! I've not had my my carotids checked or been checked for a papillary edema. I just have...
  3. buffy

    Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Thank you, Karen! I've only been to my GP, who referred me to a ear-nose-and throat doctor at the hospital. I was given an MRI and they found nothing abnormal. This was almost a year ago. I haven't done any more investigating. I don't think I can contact a neurologist on my own, I think I need...
  4. buffy

    Pulsatile Tinnitus

    I've had pulsatile tinnitus since January 2013. Recently it's gotten worse. It's in my left ear. I've had an MRI and nothing untoward was found. Sometimes I'm afraid that sth is going to burst inside my head. I came here to try and find out more about this and to connect with others...