Recent content by carlover

  1. carlover

    Please Don't Say There's No Cure for Tinnitus

    Have to say regarding the opening question, what about some realism? I have had tinnitus since I was 23. 36 years later and thousands and thousands of pounds spent, I reckon there really is no cure at the moment. As for habituation, depends how loud your tinnitus is. I did habituate but in...
  2. carlover

    Hissing Tinnitus After Using Olive Oil Ear Drops

    Hi Caroline. Here is what I would do. I would Google ear wax removal near you and go and see an audiologist who does ear suction. I have one near me in London. He has a look in the ear and if there is wax build up, he charges £100 to do it. If there is none, the cost is £25. My ears and tinnitus...
  3. carlover

    Hissing Tinnitus After Using Olive Oil Ear Drops

    I personally wouldn't use olive oil in the ear. I reckon all it does is gum the wax up which has probably happened to yourself.
  4. carlover

    Anyone's Ear Fullness Disappeared After a Year? Looking for Success Stories

    Get your hearing tested. When I put my hearing aids in, the fullness instantly goes away and when I take them out, within a few seconds it is back.
  5. carlover

    My Tinnitus Temporarily Reduced by 80% a Few Days Into a Bad Cold — I Wonder Why?

    Hi all. I have not posted for a good while so here is the thing. Normally I know when I have a cold coming on as my tinnitus starts to get high a day or so before. Guess it's Eustachian tube clogging up. Anyway, I got hit with a bad cold a couple of weeks ago, the sore throat was like razor...
  6. carlover

    Quieten — App by Julian Cowan Hill — Scam? Reviews?

    I have to come in here. I have been twice to see him in Paddington about 10 years ago. Trust me, in my job you suss out bullshitters very easily. He is a decent well meaning bloke who actually told me after the second treatment that I would be better off going away and using my chi kung...
  7. carlover

    Itchy Ears from Maybe Not Cleaning Earbuds?

    I am not saying I am right, I just think it's a symptom of tinnitus. Like hearing all the clicking when you try everything under the sun to sort out your so called Eustachian Tube Dysfunction that actually doesn't exist either.
  8. carlover

    TMJ Disorder Complaints in Tinnitus: Further Hints for a Putative Tinnitus SubType

    Hi all, I have TMJD. I have spent thousands on treatments. I had all my teeth changed etc. No difference, just more frustration. I can tell you I have never ever seen on any forum someone having TMJD treatment and it curing their tinnitus. You go and see someone / numerous "experts", you can...
  9. carlover

    My Precious Sylvia Has Passed Away

    Hello mate... I do not have any words really, just my thoughts, so painful for you. I wish you strength to get through it. xxxx
  10. carlover

    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

    I am sorry your mum is going through that. It must be tough. I hope she gets over it.
  11. carlover

    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

    I have not got a clue about how to deal with it. All I know is I never want LONG COVID, which seems a living hell. I don't want that on top of my tinnitus, thanks.
  12. carlover

    Should I Spend $8,000 for TMJ Treatment (In Hopes of It Helping Tinnitus)?

    Only my 2p, but spending thousands on TMJ is fool's gold.
  13. carlover

    Bad Experience with Julian Cowan Hill

    As I said above, having met him, if that is his new stance that is a complete u turn because he has always said he totally cured his own 16 year-old tinnitus.
  14. carlover

    Hearing Aids

    Hi Deb, They do help me. I have high frequency hearing loss, mild to moderate, and they cut the tinnitus down by about 50% as soon as you put them in... take them out and tinnitus ramps up again straight away. They are NHS ones, I think they are called Spirit. Good luck.
  15. carlover

    Hearing Aids

    Hi, I believe it's around 4kHz.