Recent content by Carriew

  1. Carriew

    Tinnitus Now for... 5-7 Years... Feeling Down

    Hi Everyone and THANK YOU for your support. Glnynis: I was actually thinking this morning even before reading your post that maybe I should taper slower and reduce one bead every two weeks. Your suggestion confirmed what I was thinking and thank you!!! I shall do that. Arsney: I have a...
  2. Carriew

    Tinnitus Now for... 5-7 Years... Feeling Down

    Hello all, I'm new to this forum. Not 100% sure how long I've had tinnitus for but I'm guessing about 5-7 or so years. I have a history of lyme disease (not CDC positive but Igenix positive - which I'm not convinced I had). Anyway, I was seeing a lyme literate doctor who had me on many abx...