Recent content by Cazb78

  1. Cazb78

    Help Me and Describe Your Pulsatile Tinnitus for Me Please

    Hi Mary Sorry you are suffering. I have PT but mine is a continual whoosh whoosh in time with my heartbeat. I've had it years and thought nothing of it but when mentioned to Dr I was referred to ENT immediately as it is only one sided (right ear). MRI showed nothing wrong other than fluid in my...
  2. Cazb78

    Tumor Anxiety

    How was your scan today?
  3. Cazb78

    Tumor Anxiety

    90 mins to 2 hours?! Crikey! I found it ok though. I closed my eyes throughout and listened to music. Treat it as some time out if you can :)
  4. Cazb78

    Tumor Anxiety

    Hi. I was like You a few weeks ago. I have heard my pulse in my right ear for ages and never thought anything of it. That was until I mentioned it to my Dr who immediately said it needed referring. I suffer terrible health anxiety and stupidly read lots on google and managed to convince myself I...
  5. Cazb78

    Anyone from the UK?

    I live in Solihull, west mids x
  6. Cazb78

    I'm New Here (And Anxiously Awaiting Results)

    Hi all. Just had my MRI results. No tumours but I have fluid in mastoid area behind ears. Having an op to straighten bone in nose which is blocking eustacian tube and causing ETD. Also having grommets to drain fluid on mastoid area and I may have to have mastoidectomy, but that would be much...
  7. Cazb78

    Pulsatile Tinnitus — Still Unidentified Cause

    I agree with RYan. I am sure there is nothing serious going on but at least an MRI would help ease your mind. I can't believe your neurologists have said this is unnecessary. I'm in the UK and an MRI for one-sided tinnitus is considered essential. I have heard my pulse in my right ear for...
  8. Cazb78

    A Couple Months In...

    Sometimes if my tinnitus is bad I use a sleep app. There's loads out there and you can choose the noises, sounds or music u want it to play as u go to sleep. You can also time it to play for a set amount of time.
  9. Cazb78

    I'm New Here (And Anxiously Awaiting Results)

    That's interesting to hear Fungis. Maybe there is a connection. I do know my old ENT told my mum grommets can scar the eardrums and that I had narrow eustacian tubes. Problem with me is that while I hope they don't find an AN, I worry they'll find something else wrong in my brain I wasn't...
  10. Cazb78

    Perception, Anxiety and the Emotional Response

    I suffer with health anxiety. It's completely debilitating when it occurs. People laugh and think I'm a hypochondriac but have no idea what it's like and the awful symptoms it produces. I know it will never go, I just deal with it. But what I have learned is that worrying about what ifs gets you...
  11. Cazb78

    Just a Thought... (Acoustic Neuroma)

    Hi Teejay, great advice. How are you doing? How are they/ did they treat your AN? I have heard that of all brain tumours they are the best you can have in terms of treatment. Wishing you all the best x
  12. Cazb78

    New Here... Wondering If This Is Tinnitus?

    Why does ATEOS have to be so unpleasant. Just saying...
  13. Cazb78

    I'm New Here (And Anxiously Awaiting Results)

    Thank you for your post Karen. Before joining this forum, I noticed how helpful you are to other sufferers. So nice to chat with people who are experiencing similar symptoms. I have an appointment with ENT specialist next Saturday s I'll let you know how I get on x
  14. Cazb78

    I'm New Here (And Anxiously Awaiting Results)

    Thanks Eric. My rational mind agrees with you but I guess we all have that 'what if' voice lurking. Do you also have pulsatile tinnitus and have you ever found a cause?
  15. Cazb78

    Thank you! Nice to be here

    Thank you! Nice to be here