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  • I think my improvements have mostly stopped. I'm afraid I'm going to be stuck at this level for a while.. what's taking Lenire so long? ...
    Still bad ringing most days but slowly getting not as bad day by day. I hope this keeps reducing and becoming easier to mask.
    I've noticed I have some good and some bad days. I think I have been having more bad days lately, it just keeps changing.
    Back to steady ring today. At least it's fluctuating. Still could be a sign of gradual improvement if I continue to get more hiss time.
    My new higher pitch is still around, has replaced old sounds. It's starting to have more "hiss" time, could be a sign of improvement.
    Spike has calmed down slightly, but still at new higher pitch tone and steady ringing in ear. At least one of the new sounds stopped.
    I've got a bad spike over the weekend. I'm hoping its temporary but not sure. My head is now full of ultra high pitched beeps. Need Lenire.
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