Recent content by Ciara1987

  1. Ciara1987

    Does Testosterone Have an Effect on Tinnitus?

    Stress will absolutely reduce levels. Your body will metabolize it quicker than you can produce it. I know this for a fact.
  2. Ciara1987

    Did Invisalign Cause My Tinnitus? I'm Losing Hope

    Yes, I am seeing a physical therapist and and upper cervical. My C2 was out. It’s quieter today.
  3. Ciara1987

    Did Invisalign Cause My Tinnitus? I'm Losing Hope

    I was really on the up and up. Sleeping, had moments of silence. I was POSITIVE my tinnitus would go away soon. I had a great month. I didn't really even think about it! This last week, It's loud again, constantly ringing. Is this a normal part of healing, or am I falling backwards? Please...
  4. Ciara1987

    Friend's Spontaneous Tinnitus Recovery After a Couple of Years

    Is there a sure fire way to know if tinnitus is from noise exposure? Any certain symptoms?
  5. Ciara1987

    Did Invisalign Cause My Tinnitus? I'm Losing Hope

    I got tinnitus back at the tail end of November. I can mostly only hear it in a quiet room or un-started car. It’s not from noise exposure. Possibly caused by tight SCM muscle from Invisalign. Any idea if this could go away? I only ask because so many people say it’s a good sign you can only...
  6. Ciara1987

    Did Invisalign Cause My Tinnitus? I'm Losing Hope

    Thank you for the help and advice. I was doing SO GOOD a few days ago. Moments and almost a DAY of silence and then BOOM right back to square one. Mine would be considered a 3/10 but in my head it may as well be 100000/10. I know the anxiety is taking a hold of me, making this beast so much...
  7. Ciara1987

    Did Invisalign Cause My Tinnitus? I'm Losing Hope

    Hi everyone, I have been a stalker on Tinnitus Talk for the past few months hoping I would never have to create an account and make this real. At some point at the end of November I developed ringing in my left ear, like a blast of wind that needed to escape. I went to the E.R twice, 2 ENTs...