Recent content by Ciaran88

  1. Ciaran88

    Starting to Think My Tinnitus Is Mostly Psychosomatic?

    Just another quick update to say that I've now been one week without any symptoms, and have begun sleeping again without any pink noise and have had no recurrence.
  2. Ciaran88

    Starting to Think My Tinnitus Is Mostly Psychosomatic?

    I made a point to constantly reiterate that I am not trying to make assumptions for others and I specifically said, again numerous times, that I am speaking to the people here who can relate to my situation, including the workup and the history of anxiety. If that's not you, please feel free to...
  3. Ciaran88

    Starting to Think My Tinnitus Is Mostly Psychosomatic?

    Hi Allen, sorry I am not expert enough to comment on your situation, all I know is that an ENT, a regular audiologist and a specialist in tinnitus and balance disorders all feel that my audiogram doesn’t significantly contribute to my tinnitus and certainly there was unlikely to have been any...
  4. Ciaran88

    Starting to Think My Tinnitus Is Mostly Psychosomatic?

    In fact no sooner had I spoke than today things are much worse again, but I am wondering if it’s not a coincidence that I’m super stressed and moving continents lol. I guess recovery isn’t linear and there’s a pretty obvious cause (stress/anxiety plus fatigue), so I’ll try not to let it get to...
  5. Ciaran88

    Starting to Think My Tinnitus Is Mostly Psychosomatic?

    Yeah I am prone to lack of patience and I understand that with tinnitus/hyperacusis, actively seeking a "cure" usually has the reverse effect. But I've learnt now how potentially reversible my issues are and how closely tied they are to stress levels and my ability to remain distracted. I'm...
  6. Ciaran88

    Starting to Think My Tinnitus Is Mostly Psychosomatic?

    Update: Switched from youtube pink noise videos to a pink noise generating app on my iPhone as I had a feeling that youtube encoding etc. was not a very accurate reproduction, and this way I could gradually increase the level of "whiteness" of the noise each day hoping to gradually desensitise...
  7. Ciaran88

    Does Tinnitus Usually Go Away?

    Generally speaking neuroplasticity can occur both quickly and slowly and there is no real reason it shouldn't be reversible even when engrained for long periods of time, at least in adults, although I suppose nobody could predict for an individual how long that might takes as it's so incredibly...
  8. Ciaran88

    Does Tinnitus Usually Go Away?

    All I can say is that you must have had extremely good filtering in the part of your brain that processes sound because no sensory organ is perfect including the cochlear and "noise" is always generated as part of the signal that goes to your brain. That can in most people with normal hearing be...
  9. Ciaran88

    Does Tinnitus Usually Go Away?

    Above the age of 25 we know for sure that everyone has some degree of hearing loss as a result of damage to hair cells in the cochlear even without exposure to excessive sound, thereby producing tinnitus, and in reality the process probably it begins far younger. Put someone who never once...
  10. Ciaran88

    Starting to Think My Tinnitus Is Mostly Psychosomatic?

    Little update, still having ups and downs but generally better each day. The tinnitus in quiet environments or noisy environments without high pitch sounds is gone, or in other words, my brain has successfully gone back to fully filtering it out of my consciousness just like it did before all...
  11. Ciaran88

    Does Tinnitus Usually Go Away?

    You have to balance all the possible reason tinnitus can become louder due to some physical problem, with the way your brain works in perceiving tinnitus. Everyone over the age of 25 has tinnitus, the vast majority of them are unaware of it because their brain filters it out. If you become...
  12. Ciaran88

    Nearly a Month On

    A great success story because it highlights that for those of us with normal hearing and no disease, even if we had something (eg. ETD, a medication, muscle tension) previously exacerbate the underlying tinnitus that is present in all of us, the key is to stop searching for a cure and just focus...
  13. Ciaran88

    Starting to Think My Tinnitus Is Mostly Psychosomatic?

    The problem seems to be that these specialists charge huge amounts of money to give you this information :( I certainly don't want to do any harm, but I very specifically have an issue with "reactive tinnitus" or "mild hyperacusis" (there seems to be some dispute here about whether it's one or...
  14. Ciaran88

    Starting to Think My Tinnitus Is Mostly Psychosomatic?

    So I saw an ENT today, this will be the last I do see. He told me that my hearing is just as expected for someone my age, that I have very minor TMJ, very minor ETD, quite bad neck/shoulder tension/spasms but that the overall message is that nothing changed on the day I noticed my tinnitus...
  15. Ciaran88

    Starting to Think My Tinnitus Is Mostly Psychosomatic?

    The floaters I found very hard, they were undeniably physically there and like tinnitus you can go through a period of being terrified they are a sign of something worse. I suppose that I ended up habituated in the sense that someone with noise-induced permanent tinnitus might be - which is why...