Recent content by citigirl13

  1. citigirl13

    If TTTS is the rumbling sound, then yes, that has gone. I have a little bit of crackling now...

    If TTTS is the rumbling sound, then yes, that has gone. I have a little bit of crackling now but not a lot and still the T, but don't notice it nearly as much as I used to.
  2. citigirl13

    I Feel Like I Just Can't Do This Anymore

    T is one of the hardest things I have gone through - and I am actually lucky that I can say that. There are a lot worse things out there in this world. I would see a doctor about how you are feeling. It sounds like you feel down quite a lot of the time, and I think it would be wise to get on...
  3. citigirl13

    Flying & Tinnitus

    Hiya. There is a thread already about flying with T if you search in the box. I posted there myself when I flew with T - and everything was perfectly fine, no increase in T whatsoever - and a lot of people give great advice. I too had pain due to pressure because of landing. On the thread I...
  4. citigirl13

    Really need some help with tinnitus

    You're doing the right thing. I know some people - myself included - don't like taking drugs, but at the end of the day sometimes you need them. As long as your doctor is monitoring you, you should be fine. I'm sorry you're feeling so rotten. It will get easier, I promise you. It's hard to...
  5. citigirl13

    6 months today

    That's funny - my T started 6 months ago today. I am still holding out hope my T will disappear, but I do t think it will happen anytime soon.
  6. citigirl13

    Really need some help with tinnitus

    Also, here is something that should help you. Found this on another thread I keep reposting it because it really cheers me up. "I have been speaking to many people and read stories of people who got rid of their ringing in the ears . I wanted to put everything together for you.First, I must...
  7. citigirl13

    Really need some help with tinnitus

    Don't worry about it - I don't think there is one person on this forum who doesn't understand what you are going through. And yes, there are recovery stories about T. On the internet it feels like it may be forever, but when you speak to people in real life you realise that not only have they...
  8. citigirl13

    Really need some help with tinnitus

    Hiya Caff. Sorry to hear that you are struggling. Don't worry - we have all been where you are. I remember the first week I got T (I believe from a cold) I was terrible: struggled to sleep, couldn't eat - I even made myself sick from the fear and anxiety of it all. I honestly thought that I...
  9. citigirl13

    Having a big relapse and feeling depressed

    It's no problem - we're all in the same boat with this damn T. :) Yes, you have done it once and can do it again. I think during the day is always easier for people, especially if your T is masked when outside. I can still struggle at night - not to the extent where I can't sleep, but I...
  10. citigirl13

    Having a big relapse and feeling depressed

    Hey @Hare Bell. Sorry to hear you are going through a hard time - hopefully you are doing better now? The thing about T is that we can all have relapses, even years later. The good news? It doesn't sound like your T has gotten any louder. It sounds more like that talking about T has...
  11. citigirl13

    Here I am asking for more hugs

    I'm so sorry derpytia. It's super irritating: you start getting use to the noise and then get another one to add to it. Major hugs to you :huganimation: As I've said, you can still habituate to the noise whether it is one tone or ten, though it is a little harder when you get another one...
  12. citigirl13

    What Do Your Friends Think of Tinnitus?

    That's the thing: I don't think anyone understands T until they have it. I think before, if someone had mentioned T, I would have thought, "Their ears must have had something wrong with them in the first place" and not thought that it could get very loud. I wouldn't have thought it could...
  13. citigirl13

    Do You Think It Will Go Away For Me?

    You're very young, and your ability to heal will be much better because of that. Hopefully your T will disappear soon. I agree with the suggestions above: be careful with loud noises for now, and to be honest even if your T goes, always wear earplugs to things like this, as well as concerts...
  14. citigirl13

    What Do Your Friends Think of Tinnitus?

    I think people who don't have it think, "that'll never happen to me", like how we see bad things happening to people on the news and we think, "that's so sad" but in the back of our heads we're thinking, "I don't need to worry about that, it would never happen to me". Unfortunately with T a lot...
  15. citigirl13

    What is considered early stages

    All being well it will just go - and it can go at any time. I would say after 2 years it is more likely to be permanent BUT that being said, my mother has a friend who had it leave AFTER 2 years, so obviously it can go. I read somewhere that one guy had it for 16 years and it went, so it is...