Recent content by Cityjohn

  1. Cityjohn

    Steroids: Prednisone / Dexamethasone / Others (Oral and Intratympanic Injections)

    Let me just say this: Holy Damn... this prednison is some drug, reminds of molly. I was going mad yesterday, my mind racing, eye's like search lights. This stuff is heavy, I think I even felt emotions :p Kidding aside this was an emotional roller coaster. Went to bed with what seemed like a...
  2. Cityjohn

    Steroids: Prednisone / Dexamethasone / Others (Oral and Intratympanic Injections)

    There are multiple inflammatory elements to hearing loss and tinnitus. Have you ever tried diamine-oxidase supplementation?
  3. Cityjohn

    Steroids: Prednisone / Dexamethasone / Others (Oral and Intratympanic Injections)

    The damage is only around 10dB which to me is horrible because I really like music and now my right hifi speaker is worthless... I've been developing treatments for hearing recovery for two years and started to run into the capital wall really quickly. So then I started 5 businesses and I'm...
  4. Cityjohn

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    Effect of low-level laser treatment on cochlea hair-cell recovery after acute acoustic trauma. Light reduces inflammatory reactions and provides the cell with energy to affect repairs.
  5. Cityjohn

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    So sorry Senad, I've not been active here lately.
  6. Cityjohn

    Steroids: Prednisone / Dexamethasone / Others (Oral and Intratympanic Injections)

    Fancy being here again... I'm finding myself considering whether or not to take prednisone after I was exposed to society at large and its massive stupidity once more. I have a painful cochlea, fullness in the ear, acoustic trauma with two notches in my right ear, shown below in green, and a...
  7. Cityjohn

    Tinnitus Grading...?

    It doesn't. Nobody has been smart enough to figure out the only way to measure it is by comparing it to external sound measured in dB.
  8. Cityjohn

    Young Mother with Tinnitus

    Explain to your husband that the only parallel to tinnitus is total madness. Whenever a schizophrenic hears voices in his/her head he/she can not ignore them because they are literally inside him/her. A good book to read about how this works from an experience perspective is one from Julian...
  9. Cityjohn

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    Oh yeah I had to water cool mine with a pump. This should be fine; They fit over glasses.
  10. Cityjohn

    Audiogram Accuracy and How to Read It

    The same way you can hear someone talk during a rock concert. Adding two tones does not make either one inaudible. You can still hear the difference, no matter how loud your own tinnitus is. This of course does not apply to signal to noise ratios and would be better seen with a speech...
  11. Cityjohn

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    I've quickly taken two pics of my current prototype. It has a lot of issues starting with a complete inability of one single person to set the lasers in the correct position based upon ones individual anatomy. A second issue is how the lasers shine directly into both your eyes if you take it off...
  12. Cityjohn

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    My LED device did not help my tinnitus much but it did very predictably give me a migraine when I tried to parts of the anatomy around the head where the light would penetrate deeper into the nervous system. So at the very least I've proven to myself that light can affect the nervous system. I...
  13. Cityjohn

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    I've received my parts and constructed it,noted what can and must be improved, and will take the prototype to an engineer for design improvements and a price quote for a limited first run. I've also reserved an organisation domain name and thought about gathering the data properly. Have some...
  14. Cityjohn

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    As for my own progress and selling pre-made LT devices: After asking the forum staff I have yet to decide on what to do with the product I'm about to make. I believe that the forum no promotion policy should be maintained and as such I don't want to sell stuff on this forum. On the other hand...
  15. Cityjohn

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    This thread is hilarious at times, do you guys mind staying on topic here please. The topic is the production of the most worthwhile and effective (not just cost effective) device following the rules of fundamental biology and physics; backed by current science, but NOT led by it, because...