Recent content by ClementFerdinand

  1. ClementFerdinand

    New to Tinnitus and Need Help!

    Hi dpdx, I do listen to music on my iphone. Never been to loud concerts, and not sure if I have TMJ. Was your T noise-induced? I did all kinds of hearing tests online and all came out very OK (my audiogram looks ok for all frequency components up to 8khz) - still I am going to see an...
  2. ClementFerdinand

    New to Tinnitus and Need Help!

    Hi guys, Yes, I did use earphones to listen to music at work. Important to note that just right prior to this tinnitus “onset”, I have many other anxiety-related symptoms too. I am not sure if this is anxiety-related, but it is annoying. Anyone with the same experience? How did yours start...
  3. ClementFerdinand

    New to Tinnitus and Need Help!

    Hi all! I am not sure when I started to develop Tinnitus (probably I had it since long time ago but never actually noticed it) but recently in the last 2 weeks, the sounds started to get louder. Prior to this, I have been through bouts of severe anxiety disorder (since September 2017) - with...