New to Tinnitus and Need Help!


Nov 25, 2017
Perth, Australia
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hi all! I am not sure when I started to develop Tinnitus (probably I had it since long time ago but never actually noticed it) but recently in the last 2 weeks, the sounds started to get louder. Prior to this, I have been through bouts of severe anxiety disorder (since September 2017) - with various physical symptoms (I was even on Valium 5mg and Inderal 40mg to calm down - and not sure if my tinnitus "onset" is related to this.

My tinnitus is actually not bad during the day, almost unnoticeable. I mostly only noticed it at night and when the environment is really quiet.

However, I noticed that my tinnitus is a lot worse when I lie down (not just at night) - does anyone else here feels the same way too? The ringing gets louder until I had to wake up and stand up.

I have been to the GP twice and he said I had ear infection. Gave me Otodex and it (the ringing) was really under control for a while until I am off it yesterday. He asked me to see him again in 2 weeks if things have not improved. This is the same GP who treated my anxiety.

I exercise regularly at the gym, but this does not seem to help.

Any tips, anyone? Please share your experience with me.

Thanks and regards,

Hi guys,

Yes, I did use earphones to listen to music at work.

Important to note that just right prior to this tinnitus "onset", I have many other anxiety-related symptoms too.

I am not sure if this is anxiety-related, but it is annoying.

Anyone with the same experience?

How did yours start Christophe?
Did you listen to music on Ipod a lot?
Did you go to a loud venue before T?
Do you have TMJ?
Hi Clement,

I have been (and probably still am) where you are. Just want you to know that things will get better for you and that the best thing you can do for your tinnitus is to try and calm down. Anxiety does terrible things and when you're body is under a lot of pressure/stress it is 1) very difficult for it to recover and 2) it'll make your tinnitus noticably worse.

Also, if your tinnitus was triggered off by an ear infection you have imo a good chance of recovery.

Hang on in there, you will be fine.
Hi dpdx,

I do listen to music on my iphone. Never been to loud concerts, and not sure if I have TMJ.

Was your T noise-induced?

I did all kinds of hearing tests online and all came out very OK (my audiogram looks ok for all frequency components up to 8khz) - still I am going to see an audiologist this Thursday.

Hi Jiri,


Did you have anxiety too prior to tinitus?

And was yours truggered by ear infection too?


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