Recent content by Cmspgran

  1. Cmspgran

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod Neuromod continues to profit from a device that consistently receives negative reviews, while the Susan Shore device sits gathering dust on a shelf. What a sad world we...
  2. Cmspgran

    People with Dysacusis, Distortions or Loudness Hyperacusis — Describe Your Symptoms!

    It took about a year before it stopped working. However, I was only taking it a couple of times a week for a long time. It was only after a few months of taking 0.5 mg every day that it stopped working. Regarding Dr. De Ridder, I respect him—he’s well-informed, articulate, and knowledgeable...
  3. Cmspgran

    People with Dysacusis, Distortions or Loudness Hyperacusis — Describe Your Symptoms!

    This has been my exact experience with Clonazepam and distortions/reactive tinnitus as well. I believe your theory is true, and something that reinforces this is the fact that my reactive tinnitus can randomly switch ears over days or weeks. Some elements of the distortions behave the same way...
  4. Cmspgran

    How This All Works for Me — My Current Status and How I've Regained a Full and Rich Life Despite Tinnitus

    A fantastic and motivational update, @linearb! We’ve never chatted here before, but many of your previous posts have provided me with comfort during some of the darkest days over the past 18 months. Thank you for the love and care you extend to others. I want to reciprocate that back to...
  5. Cmspgran

    Ambroxol for Treating Tinnitus / Hyperacusis

    I’ve tried Ambroxol a few times, but all it’s given me is stomach cramps and diarrhea the next day.
  6. Cmspgran

    Prolonged Noise — Battling with Guilt, Variety of Disturbing Tinnitus of Sounds in Both Ears and How to Proceed

    Hi Alex, First of all, do not blame yourself. We have all felt the same way and regretted our decisions. When I think back to the countless gigs standing by speakers, blasting my car stereo and iPod day after day, I cringe. However, are these things not normal? Millions of people do the same...
  7. Cmspgran

    Mom Diagnosed with Hyperacusis and Sensorineural Hearing Loss After Having Her Ears Cleaned at Specsavers

    I’m so sorry to hear this. Your mum sounds like she’s going through a really rough time, and it must be so hard for you to see. Did she have micro-suction at Specsavers? Many people here have reported ending up with tinnitus and/or hyperacusis after that procedure. Is she on any medication? Has...
  8. Cmspgran

    I didn’t go my works Christmas party and made excuses, having a really bad flare up right now...

    I didn’t go my works Christmas party and made excuses, having a really bad flare up right now and medication not working anymore. I honestly thought we’d be sharing success stories now and not the opposite ☹️
  9. Cmspgran

    Hey, I’m sorry I’m working back through all my missed replies, the only one I’ve tried is...

    Hey, I’m sorry I’m working back through all my missed replies, the only one I’ve tried is mindfulness meditation but I’m rubbish at sticking to it. I’ve been told to try yoga as well.
  10. Cmspgran

    My dysacusis has improved but my reactive tinnitus and general tinnitus has gotten worse sadly...

    My dysacusis has improved but my reactive tinnitus and general tinnitus has gotten worse sadly. What was your acoustic trauma?
  11. Cmspgran

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I truly believe that if Auricle cannot market it, a bigger player will step in. If it works as advertised, there is serious money to be made. If their funding model collapses, a larger company will likely swoop in. As others have mentioned, Neuromod could be a leading contender, ironic as that...
  12. Cmspgran

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    There's zero information on the WHOIS as to who has registered it, so I wouldn't get too speculative...
  13. Cmspgran

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    I agree with everything @IYIiKe and @Nick47 have said. CBT is likely a somewhat effective tool for those who initially experience mild, single tone tinnitus. This type of tinnitus can often be masked by everyday sounds and is primarily noticeable in quiet rooms. I completely understand how this...
  14. Cmspgran

    Xenon Pharmaceuticals' XEN1101 — Kv7 Potassium Channel Modulator

    Isn’t this the whole premise of bimodal stimulation? The neurons in the DCN have become hyperactive, possibly for one of the reasons you mentioned, @BB23, or for other reasons. Regardless, the treatment works by bringing those neurons back to a non-excitable state through hessian spike timing...
  15. Cmspgran

    @Nick47 your description of your last 3 years is a carbon copy of my last 18 months, it’s soul...

    @Nick47 your description of your last 3 years is a carbon copy of my last 18 months, it’s soul destroying. @ErikaS keep us posted on clonazepam progress, have you considered combining with low dose Gabapentin?