Recent content by CompostInTraining

  1. CompostInTraining

    Buspirone (Buspar) Experiences? Has It Made Your Tinnitus Worse?

    I’ve been dealing with a spike for 7 months after 10 years of habitation. It came back during a panic attack. Since my already awful anxiety has gotten so much worse, I was prescribed Buspar to help as my psychiatrist was worried an SSRI would worsen it. I take 10 mg 2x a day. I’m also on...
  2. CompostInTraining

    Extreme Anxiety & Depression, My Body Is Restless & Fatigued, Antidepressants Make My Tinnitus Worse

    Hey, I started taking 10 mg 2x a day last Thursday. In the last two days my tinnitus seems more intrusive but I’ve also been hyper vigilant because I was expecting some change. Did you experience any spike when you first started taking it? I want to stick it out because it’s starting to work...
  3. CompostInTraining

    How Bad of an Idea Is It to Just Stop Caring and Pretend I Don’t Have Tinnitus Anymore?

    Mirtazapine is probably what got me through the worst of it. I wasn’t able to sleep at all before starting it. It lets me sleeep when I want to sleep. It hasn’t had any effect one way or another on my perceived loudness that I’m aware of. I started at 7.5 mg and over the next month or so went up...
  4. CompostInTraining

    My Life Is Falling Apart Due to Worsening Hyperacusis/Tinnitus Over 2 Months

    How did Buspar go? I just got prescribed it.
  5. CompostInTraining

    How Bad of an Idea Is It to Just Stop Caring and Pretend I Don’t Have Tinnitus Anymore?

    Side note, has anyone tried Buspar and had any luck? My GAD is out of control, unrelated to tinnitus (mostly), but I can’t really find anyone whose taken it with tinnitus.
  6. CompostInTraining

    How Bad of an Idea Is It to Just Stop Caring and Pretend I Don’t Have Tinnitus Anymore?

    Fair enough. Fair enough. Apparently I did quite literally say “pretend I don’t have tinnitus” anyway. Regardless I’m sorry for being sensitive, I appreciate the warning but I don’t expect anything I do could actually make things worse (aside from perhaps having another mental health crisis...
  7. CompostInTraining

    How Bad of an Idea Is It to Just Stop Caring and Pretend I Don’t Have Tinnitus Anymore?

    The “answer” you gave me wasn’t the problem. Most of the thread has expressed they think it’s potentially a bad idea. My issue was that you twisted what I said to mean something else entirely and that rather than give me advice or opinion on what I was actually asking instead got into a...
  8. CompostInTraining

    How Bad of an Idea Is It to Just Stop Caring and Pretend I Don’t Have Tinnitus Anymore?

    Appreciate the response again. In my case at least the only healing to be done is emotional. Stress and anxiety put me in this mess and the only way out is to manage those. I fully expected pushback but god some people are so bitter. It’s like I told them I was going to drag them with me to...
  9. CompostInTraining

    How Bad of an Idea Is It to Just Stop Caring and Pretend I Don’t Have Tinnitus Anymore?

    I don’t really understand the hostility here, did I do something to you? I’m sorry I was apparently so contradictory you needed to write a snarky response to it. I am not going to go to concerts without protection (nobody should anyway), and I specifically said living a life like I did pre 6...
  10. CompostInTraining

    How Bad of an Idea Is It to Just Stop Caring and Pretend I Don’t Have Tinnitus Anymore?

    Hey, I’m so sorry to hear that. I had a lot of trouble sleeping when this relapse (?) first happened. I actually ended up in a psyche ward because of it. What really helped me was Mirtazapine. Basically the first dose I was back to sleeping again. It is so upsetting how quickly years and years...
  11. CompostInTraining

    How Bad of an Idea Is It to Just Stop Caring and Pretend I Don’t Have Tinnitus Anymore?

    I don’t plan on being careless. I just don’t want to be afraid of everyday sounds anymore. I’ll keep y’all posted.
  12. CompostInTraining

    How Bad of an Idea Is It to Just Stop Caring and Pretend I Don’t Have Tinnitus Anymore?

    To be honest I’m not sure what worked the first time. It was before the internet was so ubiquitous so I didn’t even think to google it or join a forum. I just lived my normal life (unfortunately at a loud distribution center) until I stopped noticing it every second. It took around 6 months...
  13. CompostInTraining

    How Bad of an Idea Is It to Just Stop Caring and Pretend I Don’t Have Tinnitus Anymore?

    The ears don’t heal. Once the damage is done it’s done. Besides, my noise trauma was 11 years ago. It becomes a mental exercise at this point.
  14. CompostInTraining

    How Bad of an Idea Is It to Just Stop Caring and Pretend I Don’t Have Tinnitus Anymore?

    Appreciate everyone’s input here but I don’t really understand the point of hiding away like a hermit. Hiding from sound only seems to make me more sensitive when I am exposed to it and nothing about living in the quiet has made the tinnitus any better. I don’t think there’s any actual “healing”...
  15. CompostInTraining

    How Bad of an Idea Is It to Just Stop Caring and Pretend I Don’t Have Tinnitus Anymore?

    That’s exactly my feeling. It’s already with me 24/7 so what could really change by living life? At least I’d get some enjoyment and happiness between the misery.