Recent content by conbsgc

  1. conbsgc

    Health Anxiety

    Lisa there are patients with multiple personalities.... some of their personalities have different symptoms, there van been cases of people who in one of their personalities have diabetes, and in other personality the person has asthma, and in another one the person is healthy. When the...
  2. conbsgc

    I Lost My Respect and Faith in Doctors or Modern Medicine

    tinnitus is subjetive, so what might be mild for some might be unbearable for others, I remember reading an article about tinnitus that showed that many tinnitus sufferers who claim their tinnitus is unbearably loud can hear their own breathing and even watches ticking when close to their ears...
  3. conbsgc

    Health Anxiety

    she went to doctors, they checked her, her tinnitus and symptoms are going away as she mentioned she doesnt need to lose her mind over a swollen lymph node (doctors even told her they're not really swollen) biopsias are done on swollen nodes when you have swollen node, plus symptoms that might...
  4. conbsgc

    Health Anxiety

    Because you keep exposing yourself to the source of your anxiety (Support groups and google), its like a chocolate addict trying to quit chocolate but can't do it because he spends most of his time at the chocolate store!!! Tonight do this: turn the computer off, go for a walk instead, watch...
  5. conbsgc

    I Lost My Respect and Faith in Doctors or Modern Medicine

    An ENT is not a loser, tinnitus has no cure, it is a simple as that!!! so going to an ENT to look for a cure for your tinnitus and then claiming ENT's are a waste of money because all he/she did was check your ear and found nothing is silly of your part!!! if you cannot cope with a harmless...
  6. conbsgc

    Health Anxiety

    Lisa please read this, I think it will help you All of this I am telling you because I lived it... my own experience!! let me tell you, for your own good STOP listening to all these people sending you to neurologists because you feel pins and needles in your body (one of anxiety's most common...
  7. conbsgc

    Health Anxiety

    Lisa if you were under suspicion for having cancer you would receive a phone call from your doctors office right away!!! honestly I think you are stressing yourself too much, do yourself a huge favor and don't google medical info.
  8. conbsgc

    I Lost My Respect and Faith in Doctors or Modern Medicine

    The big problem is patient doctor communication; many patients don't ask questions and expect magic from doctors and many doctors do not explain what they're doing and treat patients without informing them of what's going on. I ALWAYS ask tons of questions (I am paying I can do it) and I have...
  9. conbsgc

    I Lost My Respect and Faith in Doctors or Modern Medicine

    Sounds like my story with doctors whenever I need them, and have in mind I am the educated understanding patient that cooperates and I still get push around. in 2006 I developed asthma and it took doctors One year to finally come down with an asthma diagnosis, since my asthma is seasonal this...
  10. conbsgc

    Tinnitus and Depression

    absolutely, not always but anxiety its a big source of tinnitus
  11. conbsgc

    Tinnitus and Depression

    ???????????? tinnitus gone after depression is addressed!! Study shows tinnitus tends to occur in people with obsessive, introverted personalities! or you're expecting me to come up with an exact quote? the articles are there, they are all from studies, read them come up with your own...
  12. conbsgc

    Tinnitus and Depression
  13. conbsgc

    Health Anxiety

    I honestly think you're stressing yourself out without reason
  14. conbsgc

    Health Anxiety

    have you ever had a doctor look at your legs and back? what you feel is very common with anxiety (pins needles crawling).... does your anxiety make you feel sort of dizzy? relax, honestly!! I honestly doubt you have anything serious or worth worrying about
  15. conbsgc

    Left Ear Twitching?
