Recent content by copasetic84

  1. copasetic84

    Listening to Music on Headphones While Also Wearing Earplugs?

    I have tried using earplugs beneath my headphones since I need to use headphones for work. Unfortunately, 2 days ago, my tinnitus spiked. It has done this a few times before, but this one seems a bit worse and I hope it goes away.
  2. copasetic84

    2-Week Tinnitus Spike After Headphone Use (for 2 Hours with Regular Breaks)

    Did your spike ever go away? I am in a similar boat.
  3. copasetic84

    "Lyric" Hearing Aid Trial

    Wait, so Lyric doesn't have a tinnitus masker?
  4. copasetic84

    Anyone Else Have a High Pitched Pulsing Sound?

    Have you considered hearing aids with maskers? Or bone conduction headphones streaming masking sounds?
  5. copasetic84

    Acoustic Trauma Induced Tinnitus from AirPods Accident (Spotify Blasting at 85 dB)

    Thanks Nikkinikki! This is my audiogram.
  6. copasetic84

    Acoustic Trauma Induced Tinnitus from AirPods Accident (Spotify Blasting at 85 dB)

    Well, it's been 3 months since the AirPods accident, and I still have tinnitus. The audiologists think it will most likely be permanent. Audiogram showed a noise notch 2000 Hz, and mild hearing loss in one ear. How do you guys cope with this? I am kicking myself over and over since this...
  7. copasetic84

    Has Anyone Ever Been Acoustic Shocked by Bluetooth Earbuds?

    Has anyone ever experienced "acoustic shock" from Apple AirPods or another other type of Bluetooth earbud where the music started playing on your phone at too loud of a volume as soon as you put the earbuds in your ear? I was a victim of this, but just want to see how many others like me are...
  8. copasetic84

    Acoustic Trauma Induced Tinnitus from AirPods Accident (Spotify Blasting at 85 dB)

    It can measure with any earbuds you use, but it is most accurate with the AirPods on the iPhone. Thanks for the encouraging words.
  9. copasetic84

    Acoustic Trauma Induced Tinnitus from AirPods Accident (Spotify Blasting at 85 dB)

    Thanks for the tip! What specific brands did you use? I know there are many forms of magnesium.
  10. copasetic84

    Acoustic Trauma Induced Tinnitus from AirPods Accident (Spotify Blasting at 85 dB)

    A month ago, I was playing music through the Spotify app on my TV (which I was using my iPhone app to remote control). I went to make a call and put AirPods in my ear, forgetting that the Spotify music would be linked to my phone, though music was being played on my TV. So the music started...