Recent content by Criggs

  1. C

    New to Tinnitus and Falling Into Depression

    I've tried fighting tinnitus and I lost, I thought I couldn't handle it mentally, but I did. No one knows why we have it, or get it. There's a lot of guesses and theorys. It may get better, mines gotten worse twice. Each time I have been able to habituate to it. Mines pretty loud, I hear it all...
  2. C

    10 Years with Tinnitus and Something's New

    Thank you, it does seem to be getting a little better. I believe that the steroids are helping..maybe it just needs time to settle down.
  3. C

    10 Years with Tinnitus and Something's New

    Where do I begin? I abused my ears for most of my life and never thought twice about it. Then one day I had a ringing noise in my ears for a minute and then it disappeared, until the day that it didn't. After that I took good care of my ears until I went to a concert 7 years later and forgot...