Recent content by Croaker

  1. Croaker

    I wish I could have a dog.

    I wish I could have a dog.
  2. Croaker

    Inner ear H symptoms (stabbing/palinacousis) respond only to rest. Middle ear issues respond...

    Inner ear H symptoms (stabbing/palinacousis) respond only to rest. Middle ear issues respond better to mood/sound exposure/supplements.
  3. Croaker

    Almost 3 years into H. Minimal improvement during past year. Still vulnerable to setbacks. Need...

    Almost 3 years into H. Minimal improvement during past year. Still vulnerable to setbacks. Need WFH/quiet job but no relevant skills.
  4. Croaker

    H is better after two years. still using plastic dishes and wearing earpro when...

    H is better after two years. still using plastic dishes and wearing earpro when cooking/cleaning/when my parents forget to use inside voices
  5. Croaker

    Warning for People with Noxacusis: For the Love of God, Protect Your Ears!

    I do still have immediate pain in response to loud high pitched noises. It’s not as intense as it used to be, and it doesn’t linger very long, unless multiple noise events happen in one day. Usually, a good night’s sleep is able to reset the pain. I wear earmuffs whenever there’s a chance of a...
  6. Croaker

    Warning for People with Noxacusis: For the Love of God, Protect Your Ears!

    Probably, if I doubled up with plugs and earmuffs. I’m not sure because I’ve lived as a hermit during the pandemic even before I had hyperacusis. I’m scared of getting sick because it can cause tinnitus, and I live with my immunocompromised mother so I don’t think I’ll be using public...
  7. Croaker

    Warning for People with Noxacusis: For the Love of God, Protect Your Ears!

    Calm conversation, music as long as it isn’t too high pitched, car rides with my earmuffs. I’ve even taken showers, recently. I’m still bothered by cutlery, electronic beeps, squeaky doors, sirens etc but even that has improved. Those noises don’t “cut through” my earmuffs like they used to...
  8. Croaker

    Warning for People with Noxacusis: For the Love of God, Protect Your Ears!

    It’s been about 1.5 years since I developed pain hyperacusis. About a year since a massive setback where I couldn’t stand to listen to the water droplets falling off of me in the bathtub. These last few months have been much better with talking and lower frequency noises in general. I have hit a...
  9. Croaker

    My H is somewhat better. Haven’t kept up with research after FREQ/OTIC failure, too depressing.

    My H is somewhat better. Haven’t kept up with research after FREQ/OTIC failure, too depressing.
  10. Croaker

    The Phenomenon — New Documentary (2020)

    I have a critical thinking deficit because I don’t accept that a few clips of unusual footage makes for undeniable proof of little green men? Sure thing buddy. When those hundreds of hours of rock solid proof you imagine in your head turn out to be real, I’ll be the first to get excited.
  11. Croaker

    The Phenomenon — New Documentary (2020)

    Aliens, except maybe angels/demons, are the most extraordinary possible explanation for these phenomena. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, so let’s look at the evidence. Eyewitness testimony, especially during a stressful situation like flying a warplane, is worth precisely...
  12. Croaker

    The Phenomenon — New Documentary (2020)

    I have. Unfortunately no new info for people that have been following this stuff. You are right that this is becoming more mainstream, we’ll see if it continues to gain much attention. Still, no chance these are aliens. Not saying that intelligent life isn’t out there somewhere, probably is...
  13. Croaker

    The Phenomenon — New Documentary (2020)

    If intelligent life is visiting Earth, it’s awfully convenient that they have nothing better to do than dance around nuclear missile silos and aircraft carriers, waiting to be seen. 99.9% chance that these are experimental drones.
  14. Croaker

    Share Your Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine Experience: Any Impact on Your Tinnitus or Hyperacusis?

    First Pfizer dose had no effect on my tinnitus/hyperacusis. I’ll be receiving the second dose on Friday.
  15. Croaker

    QurAlis' QRA-244 — An Alternative for Retigabine (Trobalt)?

    Along with the anecdotes we’ve got on here, there’s this from Dr. Fuchs. Relevant part of the abstract: “Here, we show that type II afferents are activated when outer hair cells are damaged. This response depends on both ionotropic (P2X) and metabotropic (P2Y) purinergic receptors, binding...