They probably do to be honest.I just hope they know how to cure tinnitus.
I actually watched this a couple of weeks ago. Even with captions and no sound I found it highly enjoyable! The last bit about the school UFO landing where they interviewed the kids had my hair standing up.Anyone else here aware of the obvious fact of visitation to Earth by Unidentified Aerial Phenomena? I am completely serious.
It's another reason to stay alive - need to see how things will play outI actually watched this a couple of weeks ago. Even with captions and no sound I found it highly enjoyable! The last bit about the school UFO landing where they interviewed the kids had my hair standing up.
I want to believe. I've had an interest in this subject for many years that I kind of lost somewhere along the line as life got in the way. About a year ago, not long before I developed H, I heard Bob Lazar's story on JRE and my interest in this was reignited.
I've since seen Commander David Fravor's interview on JRE about the Nimitz incident, which to me is the most compelling story out there given the man's credibility/background and the infra-red footage from his fighter jet, particularly when paired with the recently leaked gimbal video from a similar incident in 2017.
It's also interesting to me that the Covid Bill has a clause about full disclosure in 180 days about UFOs, and I definitely haven't seen viral posts lately on the r/conspiracy subreddit, which were subsequently deleted, about people working at the NOAA who are fully aware of these craft - that they do exist and that these beings are actually aquatic in nature and have shared this planet with us for a very long time. And these stories definitely wouldn't confirm many of the WW2 fighter pilot sightings of craft coming out of the water.
I just hope if they are planning on invading that they hold off for a few years until we're all treated with FX-322. If I'm gonna live in a post-apocalyptic, District 9 world where I'm fighting aliens, I'd like to at least get rid of my hyperacusis first so I can carry a rifle as I'd probably need one in that situation lol.It's another reason to stay alive - need to see how things will play out![]()
I hadn't although I did see some posts in the last week or two talking about this. The last couple of years have felt like a corner is being turned in terms of the narrative. It's gone from a complete disinterest to a gradual curiosity about aerial phenomena. I imagine this declassification in a few months will be the next step in that process where curiosity in aerial phenomena sets the grounds for an actual public debate about what those phenomena could be. I think it's only a matter of time until we hear the truth, although even that could be as much as "we are probably not alone, although we cannot confirm or disconfirm". I'd be very surprised if a government went a step further and admitted to having already established contact.@GlennS, @Aaron91, did you see this interview with the former Director of National Intelligence?
Notable quotes:
Seems pretty incontrovertible some disclosure is coming.
- We have seen objects breaking the sound barrier that don't emit sonic booms.
- There are a lot more sighting than have been made public.
- Sighting have been picked up by satellite imagery.
- Sighting are corroborated by multiple sensor systems.
- We can't attribute this to known technologies by foreign adversaries.
This is hilarious! How did this post go so long without a comment?!! I feel the same way when I watch post-apocalyptic movies. I think well I can't do this or that!I just hope if they are planning on invading that they hold off for a few years until we're all treated with FX-322. If I'm gonna live in a post-apocalyptic, District 9 world where I'm fighting aliens, I'd like to at least get rid of my hyperacusis first so I can carry a rifle as I'd probably need one in that situation lol.
Dude, that's IR in Black Hot mode. It looks like a contrail or some kind of exhaust with the contrast adjusted badly.New military footage with audio:
If it helps you can look at the Nimitz incident where a similar object was confirmed via:Dude, that's IR in Black Hot mode. It looks like a contrail or some kind of exhaust with the contrast adjusted badly.
I'm skeptical of anything in IR because real life eyes can't see it and things you wouldn't think of emit / absorb IR enough to look like an object that "appears and disappears."
You should watch the 60 minutes piece that came out yesterday. This is mainstream now. Only 13 minutes!If intelligent life is visiting Earth, it's awfully convenient that they have nothing better to do than dance around nuclear missile silos and aircraft carriers, waiting to be seen.
99.9% chance that these are experimental drones.
I have. Unfortunately no new info for people that have been following this stuff. You are right that this is becoming more mainstream, we'll see if it continues to gain much attention.You should watch the 60 minutes piece that came out yesterday. This is mainstream now. Only 13 minutes!
Okay, I appreciate your perspective.I have. Unfortunately no new info for people that have been following this stuff. You are right that this is becoming more mainstream, we'll see if it continues to gain much attention.
Still, no chance these are aliens. Not saying that intelligent life isn't out there somewhere, probably is, but these drones are human tech. It remains an interesting story, I wonder how the developers have managed to keep this stuff under wraps when historical black projects (Manhattan Project etc) have quickly leaked.
Aliens, except maybe angels/demons, are the most extraordinary possible explanation for these phenomena. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, so let's look at the evidence. Eyewitness testimony, especially during a stressful situation like flying a warplane, is worth precisely nothing. People can convince themselves of all sorts of things, consciously or not. Pilots, even though we like to think of them of as calm experts, are no less vulnerable to this. Even in Desert Storm, the most meticulously planned air operation in history, using advanced comm tech, there were multiple friendly fire incidents because pilots get jumpy and don't understand what they're looking at. So I argue that the simplest explanation, WWII pilots seeing other aircraft/weather events is the correct one. In the absence of more objective evidence from that time period, there is no reason to believe anything different.These sighting go back 70 years. Today some people say maybe it's China/Russia, in the Cold War we thought it was Russians, and in WWII, we thought it was the Nazis!
This is not an argument in favor of it being aliens over black project drones because the same thing would have been said in the early 40's about controlled nuclear reactions or jet engines. New discoveries in physics/engineering are impossible until they are obvious.the leap in fundamental physics required to generate flight without clear propulsion has never been expounded upon, nor has any of the fundamental engineering been developed.
You take them at their word? Our government has always concealed the existence of our best stealth technology. Again, if you asked a 40's engineer who unbeknownst to you was in the Manhattan Project whether he thought we could build a single bomb large enough to level cities he would have said it was impossible/not possible for centuries.Everyone in the US says it's not us, including Chris Mellon
Yes, but it's a much smaller leap than aliens, who are very unlikely to exist at the same time as us in the same galaxy, coming all this way to play tag with our military (which is exactly how reconnaissance aircraft developers would test the abilities of a new stealth drone)It's a huge leap in logic to go down that route,
And you're certain of this, how?these drones are human tech.
The evidence is already extraordinary. Many eyewitnesses, sensor and camera data all simultaneously recording encounters over a period of years. The footage that's been declassified is merely the tip of the iceberg of what the military has available. I would imagine we're talking about hours upon hours of footage and hundreds of eyewitnesses who are remaining quiet due to fear of ridicule or reprimand.Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
We send these craft to harass our own troops repeatedly... potentially causing them to open fire and destroy them? Are you serious???Our government has always concealed the existence of our best stealth technology.
I'm afraid, as the Bard once wrote, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,Yes, but it's a much smaller leap than aliens
I have a critical thinking deficit because I don't accept that a few clips of unusual footage makes for undeniable proof of little green men? Sure thing buddy. When those hundreds of hours of rock solid proof you imagine in your head turn out to be real, I'll be the first to get excited.And you're certain of this, how?
The evidence is already extraordinary. Many eyewitnesses, sensor and camera data all simultaneously recording encounters over a period of years. The footage that's been declassified is merely the tip of the iceberg of what the military has available. I would imagine we're talking about hours upon hours of footage and hundreds of eyewitnesses who are remaining quiet due to fear of ridicule or reprimand.
We send these craft to harass our own troops repeatedly... potentially causing them to open fire and destroy them? Are you serious???
Stealth fighters were tested out in Area 51 because it's sparsely populated and those who did so knew exactly what they were doing. They did not fly the U2 or SR-71 in such a way that they would get shot down by our own troops. You citing friendly-fire is bogus. That's about a hot war zone, not routine peacetime maneuvers.
I'm afraid, as the Bard once wrote, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
As I've made my rounds online on this topic I encounter types such as you, those for whom no amount of evidence will ever be sufficient. It will be interesting to see how large a segment of the population that turns out to be. Considering that 40% of Republicans don't even think the election was legit it's easy to see how people have severe critical thinking deficits. Look, I'm not denying it's a tough leap to accept the presence of aliens. I used to be a skeptic but the Nimitz footage released in 2017 through the New York Times broke through my resistance. If the evidence manifests itself, at some point you have to just defer to it, as fantastical as it may be. It's like, we routinely watch sci-fi where we go out and meet aliens all the time but we have this mental block that prevents us from considering the idea they're coming here? I just don't get it. I mean, I know the field is full of quacks and grifters, and many of the specific claims they make are highly speculative and probably bogus, but that doesn't necessarily mean there isn't some truth underneath it all.