Recent content by cviechec

  1. cviechec

    Taurine and Tinnitus

    Once or over the course of a week, month etc? Probably not doing it but idk.
  2. cviechec

    Taurine and Tinnitus

    Bumping because I'm very interested myself. I have 1000mg taurine supplements right now and not sure how many to take a day.
  3. cviechec

    Full Blown Panic

    I have really loud tinnitus. I haven't coped with it without masking yet. One of my hearing aids died on me today and I have to ship it off to get it fixed. I honestly can barely function without it... Pathetic I know. To make matters worse, I have a new job where I absolutely can't call in...
  4. cviechec

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I don't understand this viewpoint personally. To each his own I suppose. I would rather be severely hearing impaired and not have tinnitus than have tinnitus and almost perfect hearing.
  5. cviechec

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    My questions are: First, I hope this would work for me and my otoxic tinnitus. I can manipulate my T with facial movements and pressure on my hands, but it doesnt seem to go up or down in volume. Second, I wonder if eventually this device can be perfected to eliminate tinnitus completely? If...
  6. cviechec

    Re-Entering the Workforce

    Thanks Karen for your post. I realize things should inevitably get better with time, the problem for me is I don't know how much time it will take or how long I can tolerate it..many have done it, many will continue to do it, but others have also failed. My first day today was really an eye...
  7. cviechec

    Re-Entering the Workforce

    I've had pretty awful tinnitus for about 7 months now, and a lot of that time period was over the summer // the last semester of college. Predictably so, the tinnitus affected my concentration in class and lowered my grades. I had a 4.0 GPA before tinnitus and after I was getting quite a lot of...
  8. cviechec

    I Have Yet to Hear Anyone Suffering from My Type of Tinnitus

    I come across posts like this and I just get triggered that people are disturbed by stuff as minor as this. I really don't mean to be inconsiderate, even though that is exactly what I'm being. It's just, a lot of people on this board have tinnitus that is louder than a shower, and hyperacusis to...
  9. cviechec

    Already 6 Hours Tinnitus Free with CBD Oil

    I don't think this is necessarily true. Yes, it may not act on the same neuronal channels/transmitters as Trobalt, but that doesn't mean theoretically it can't be effective in suppressing T (In my opinion)
  10. cviechec

    Problems with Nasal Spray Flonase

    Flonase gave me eye floaters. Be careful with that stuff.
  11. cviechec

    Already 6 Hours Tinnitus Free with CBD Oil

    @just1morething Indeed. Ibuprofen is what did me in, unfortunately. I'm 100% certain that it was the cause of my tinnitus. I took large doses for carpal-tunnel related wrist symptoms due to the advice of a family friend medical student. Was stupid in hindsight, should have just gone to a doctor...
  12. cviechec

    Already 6 Hours Tinnitus Free with CBD Oil

    I've tried pretty much everything under the sun with little to n success. Have you tried CBD oil for your tinnitus? What caused your tinnitus? What was the effect? If it worked, how much did it reduce your tinnitus/how long did it last? Thanks in advanced for any replies. As usual, searching...
  13. cviechec

    Hi Aaron. The only risk that scares me about virtectomy is total blindness/infection. Cataracts...

    Hi Aaron. The only risk that scares me about virtectomy is total blindness/infection. Cataracts coming early isn't too scary as you can have surgery to correct that. I work on the PC a lot so floaters are extremely annoying for me. I may or may not just have a virectomy on my worse eye, i'm not...
  14. cviechec

    I Know of 2 People in My Family Whose Tinnitus Has Gone Away

    As usual, these posts seem to revolve around acoustic trauma. It seems like the folks who got theirs from medication are screwed :| Sorry to be a negative nancy
  15. cviechec

    My Experiences with Anti-Depressants Thus Far, Need Help

    How are you doing on remeron?