Recent content by Daniel T.

  1. D

    Successfully Turned Tinnitus Off with Sleep Control

    Very interesting. Maybe this will help discovering a drug or something that turns the T off. Obviously something is triggered or not by your waking up time. If a way can be found to create those conditions and keep them there, I'd think a true cure/or drug, etc. would be discovered much...
  2. D

    New Brain Scanning Technology

    It'll be nice when they can actually see this, non disease, heh. Then maybe it'll be taken a lot more seriously, cause as it is, I think most just assume we are delusional, faking it, or just wanting pity. The highest known injury in the military is tinnitus. To make it worse, some have...
  3. D

    Hello and Stuff

    Hi, I was "cough" blessed with Tinnitus for days before my 44thth birthday July 2016, apparently from noise exposure, in the left ear. I found some comfort by watching Jillian Cowen Hill's youtube videos, he's the only one from which, I found true hope, and it was calming just...