Recent content by david14433

  1. D

    Question for the Ladies from a Man That Suffers from Tinnitus?

    I don't think they are high maintenance. Picky? Maybe, but not high maintenance. They said nothing that would make me think they required a lot of money to date.
  2. D

    Question for the Ladies from a Man That Suffers from Tinnitus?

    I actually signed up for that site before. LOL I had some success with it. Maybe I'll try again in the future.
  3. D

    Ring Relief Tablets — Works or Not?

    Yeah that doesn't look good on their behalf. The only thing I can say is that pharmaceutical companies are not perfect either. Sometimes their batches are not as potent as they say. But I got to say I think I'm done with Ring Relief. Fuck that shit. A moth in their ingredients. LOL can't make...
  4. D

    Question for the Ladies from a Man That Suffers from Tinnitus?

    I'm lucky because I don't get that much stress from my tinnitus. Yes I was feeling pretty shitty yesterday but today I am much better.
  5. D

    Question for the Ladies from a Man That Suffers from Tinnitus?

    I get that sentiment. If it was just a little lower I wouldn't have any mental issues. If I could just go back in time a few months. :(
  6. D

    Question for the Ladies from a Man That Suffers from Tinnitus?

    Even though I use ear plugs while driving these days I can still hear emergency vehicles with them in.
  7. D

    Question for the Ladies from a Man That Suffers from Tinnitus?

    I want to date and marry a Thai Buddhist so it might work for me.
  8. D

    Question for the Ladies from a Man That Suffers from Tinnitus?

    Hi ladies, recently the bout of tinnitus has gotten me worried for the first time in a long time about my ability to attract a female. All I can think about is being healthy enough to go to the occasional movie without having to worry about my tinnitus getting worse. I am a very interesting...
  9. D

    New Here — Tinnitus Really Bothersome — Can't Work Full Time Anymore

    Yes I know the main causes. Smoking, and the constant hum of the road as I drive for a living. Alcohol use to be it, but I quit that. I just quit smoking. And now I'm using earplugs on the road. It seems to be getting better.
  10. D

    Solsaem Clinic (Dr. Minbo Shim) Experience

    @JohnAdams I am seriously thinking about doing this treatment. Three questions. On a scale of 1 - 10 what was the levels of your tinnitus before and after treatment? 1 being barely perceptible, 10 being you can't take it anymore. Is there anyone in the US that does this treatment? Can you...
  11. D

    Ring Relief Tablets — Works or Not?

    I am not one to be prone to the placebo effect. Meaning I don't believe based off of what someone tells me necessarily, I believe once some effect is achieved. I know people that are prone to the placebo effect and I think fundamentally different than them. Case in point "Clear Tinnitus" didn't...
  12. D

    Marine Phytoplankton and Hair Cell Regeneration

    I doubt it. Try it out and return it if it doesn't work. The thing is that the article you posted doesn't say anything about "cochlear hair cell regeneration" Yes there are many cells in the body that regenerate with or without Marine Phytoplankton, but there is no treatment for regenerating...
  13. D

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    As I understand it retigabine has been taken off the market, but is there anyway I can get my hands on this stuff. It seems to work wonders for some people with tinnitus. I would probably cycle its use to prevent serious side effect problems.
  14. D

    Marijuana / Cannabis and Tinnitus

    Marijuana makes my tinnitus worse. CBD oil is probably a good alternative to marijuana but you have to vape it in very high concentrations and hold it in as long as possible and the effect doesn't last that long especially if your use to marijuana. Personally though I can vape CBD oil and have...
  15. D

    Ring Relief Tablets — Works or Not?

    Personally I have found small but consistent relief from my tinnitus with two products. Ring Stop in half a pill, and Ring Relief Ear Drops. I've tried Clear Tinnitus with no effect which is another supplement. I have noticed that many people on here are too skeptical of any claims that any...