Recent content by delumo71

  1. delumo71

    Only 4 Days Deaf in One Ear, Cannot Cope with Tinnitus

    I am so sorry @Charron this is happening to you. You'll beat this. We all do by continuing to live everyday making a conscious decision to be grateful that we get to walk, breath, smell, see and hear the world even if there's an intrusive annoying sound that drives us crazy. Life changed at one...
  2. delumo71

    Funny how it can be one day it can be "fairly quiet" and then the next day T "the a$$hole" gets...

    Funny how it can be one day it can be "fairly quiet" and then the next day T "the a$$hole" gets upset and starts screaming for attention...
  3. delumo71

    Post a Picture of Your Pet!

    Adorable! @LadyDi Precious furry angel under the tree :cat:
  4. delumo71


  5. delumo71

    Tinnitus and Recreational Drugs — Advice?

    Anything that stimulates/suppresses and affects the central nervous system in any way, shape or for WILL affect T without a doubt. Will it do more permanent damage? Your body decides. I would say it is more like asking for trouble if you want to risk it.
  6. delumo71

    Post a Picture of Your Pet!

    This is Mr. Kelby and he loves to smile!
  7. delumo71

    Morning Anxiety Struggle

    Thank you. I am going to look into it. Doing nothing definitely hasn't helped me! I have been researching Tinnitus treatment providers in my area (New England) and I cannot believe that most are not in-network with any medical insurances. You basically pay out of pocket. How could that be? I am...
  8. delumo71

    Morning Anxiety Struggle

    Hi @Natalie Roberts, Everything you describe is exactly how I am with my T. It is amazing how you explain your patterns and behaviors towards your T and it is like you are talking about me. (y). My journey began earlier this year. I have to commend you because you are doing a lot more than me...
  9. delumo71

    I am constantly comparing my life before and after T. Always hoping right before I go to bed...

    I am constantly comparing my life before and after T. Always hoping right before I go to bed that in the morning this noise will be gone... You know a "movie miracle moment"...
  10. delumo71

    Just be quiet already...

    Just be quiet already...
  11. delumo71

    I am in Rhode Island too. Have you found a doctor here? I just moved here and don't know where...

    I am in Rhode Island too. Have you found a doctor here? I just moved here and don't know where to go. It seems like everyone offering any type of Tinnitus Treatment is in other parts of New England... I am desperate...
  12. delumo71

    I can relate but do we really want to let it win? It feels like it does most days. I hate it. I...

    I can relate but do we really want to let it win? It feels like it does most days. I hate it. I hate what it's done to my mental peace. I have been tormented with depression and panic for most of my life and almost a year ago this just decided to pop in. It just doesn't seem to be fair... Never...
  13. delumo71

    Is Your Tinnitus a "Moving Target" Too?

    Constantly moves like it has a mind of its own and gets bored if it "stays in one place" for too long. :confused:
  14. delumo71

    Sex Life: Does Tinnitus Affect It?

    Have you tried having music on?
  15. delumo71

    New and Scared for My Life

    I find it to be extremely irresponsible for someone to come on this site and go as far as mentioning suicide as a their possible solution. I understand and I REALLY understand what it feels like when you suddenly and without warning start hearing this intrusive loud noise(s) and how agonizing...