Recent content by Dennis MacDonald

  1. Dennis MacDonald

    Northeast U.S. Will Soon Hear My Tinnitus for 5 Weeks...

    It's been 17 years and the Cicadas will be back in full force delivering the sounds of my Tinnitus to the whole of the the Northeast of the U.S. They should cause many a sleepless night until they are gone in about 6 weeks to return again in 17 years. Sound of the Cicada here. Be sure to...
  2. Dennis MacDonald

    Rant. Feel Free to Read If You Like.

    One of the greatest rants I have ever read................ Fits my feelings to a T. Great post.
  3. Dennis MacDonald

    Gluten-Free and Feeling Better

    I would be interested in knowing if anyone here has tried a gluten free diet while inflicted with tinnitus for any reason and if they/you have noticed an impact on your tinnitus. There seems to be a lot of anecdotal discussions on the internet especially from the gluten free forums regarding a...
  4. Dennis MacDonald

    Quitting Smoking

    Not even a little bit.
  5. Dennis MacDonald

    Quitting Smoking

    You would be talking about me...................
  6. Dennis MacDonald

    Quiet Assure

    I heard an an advertisement on radio (Rush Limbaugh show) pushing this stuff just yesterday. I went through the Lipo Flafonoid phase and that was a complete waste. Will avoid this until rants and raves for the product appears here.
  7. Dennis MacDonald

    Did You Find Your Tinnitus Sound on the Internet That Was Almost Identical? Mine is: Tinnitus Sound 1: 4000 Hz Tone at about 3/4 volume on my laptop
  8. Dennis MacDonald

    Does Your Doctor Listen to Your Ears?

    Was trying to be facetious. Sorry it went over your head.
  9. Dennis MacDonald

    Does Your Doctor Listen to Your Ears?

    Relatively few? Relatively? That's scary!
  10. Dennis MacDonald

    What Is Working For Me

    I would have to agree that this is where I am at the moment. Loud all of the time. But I AM beginning to get a handle on it. As loud as it is I am able to ignore it much of the time. It is very difficult to try to explain it but is becoming a part of me and I am beginning to accept it. It's...
  11. Dennis MacDonald

    SaluSTIM — tVNS Therapy Device

    Did you look closely at the website? There is nothing there but a bunch of fake Latin words that are used as fillers for website building. Maybe it's a new site and shouldn't be live. What exactly is this device?
  12. Dennis MacDonald

    Medical (Neurological) Explanation of Habituation

    What out of 10 was it before the operation?
  13. Dennis MacDonald

    Medical (Neurological) Explanation of Habituation

    We need a "jealous" emoticon.
  14. Dennis MacDonald

    Calmly Waiting

    Note that if you go with #1 you will need a 60 supply of 6 caps per day. It ain't cheap. Save your receipt and UPC code as you will need it for a full refund. I posted the refund address in another thread. If #2 works be certain to come back here and tell way or the other. Like...
  15. Dennis MacDonald

    Medical (Neurological) Explanation of Habituation

    Is this not the problem for all of us? I am guessing that almost all, if not all of us are/were pretty much in control most situations in our lives. Then along comes T and we lose total control and it drives us nuts until we truly realize this is something totally beyond our mastery. What I...