Recent content by Depressed

  1. Depressed

    Poll: Did You Develop TMJ After the Onset of Tinnitus/Hyperacusis?

    By the time I got the mouth guard, the jaw problems had already somewhat improved on their own, so it's hard to tell. The hyperacusis quickly disappeared and I wasn't worrying about the jaw after the first couple of weeks of so. When it comes to the tinnitus, I noticed an improvement of the...
  2. Depressed

    Poll: Did You Develop TMJ After the Onset of Tinnitus/Hyperacusis?

    After a few days of getting tinnitus, my jaw started feeling weird: I had difficulties opening my mouth, a lot of cracking sounds as well as little bit of pain, and on top of that, I also got hyperacusis. I learned that bruxism could've been the cause, so I got a mouth guard, and as time went...
  3. Depressed

    Bruxism Could Be Worsening/Causing Your Tinnitus

    Sleep bruxism, also known as nocturnal tooth grinding, is the medical term for clenching or grinding teeth during sleep. I suppose I'm not saying anything new, but it's worth a reminder. Most people who grind their teeth at night are unaware of it, so unless you have very obvious symptoms it's...
  4. Depressed

    Tinnitus from Wellbutrin

    Fortunately im better now, aparently i grind my teeth at night and this was making the tinnitus much worse, because after getting a mouth guard the noise has decreased a lot. It's worth going to a dentist to confirm whether one is a teeth grinder or not, because i had no idea until i got checked...
  5. Depressed

    Tinnitus from Wellbutrin

    Thanks for updating. I'm 1 month in and i also got tinnitus from this bloody drug
  6. Depressed

    I'm Not Committing Suicide. I'm Being Murdered by Merciless Tinnitus.

    It's all so cruel and absurdly brutal that it feels surreal. A noise ringing for every instant of your existence that won't give you any breaks, sometimes even if you cut the auditory nerves. It sounds like some torturer's idea, or a rare condition that one could hear from a tv program about...
  7. Depressed

    Help! Sleeping Med Suggestions for Tinnitus?

    Quetiapine has helped me a lot. I only could sleep out of exhaustion after staying hours and hours awake, and now i can sleep in less than an hour. According to my psychiatrist it's not ototoxic, and on the internet i haven't found anything about it provoking or worsening tinnitus.
  8. Depressed

    My Psychiatrist and Bupropion Have Ruined My Life — Bizarre Coincidence

    Thank you all for your messages, i really appreciate it Days ago I had an anxiety attack, and in the hospital a new psychiatrist prescribed me quetiapine, which supposedly isn't ototoxic. Now i can sleep, and the noise is about the same level as on the first day, although sometimes it is lower...
  9. Depressed

    My Psychiatrist and Bupropion Have Ruined My Life — Bizarre Coincidence

    I have no will to live. My father committed suicide on the 8th of this month. I'm devastated. My tinnitus went away during 2 days after a week and half of having it. I thought that it had gone away forever, but it came back. After that, my jaw started feeling weird, i had difficulties opening...
  10. Depressed

    A Life with Tinnitus at the Age of 21

    I got tinnitus 4 days ago and tomorrow i'm turning 21 too:( I hope i'll be able to cope with it like you're doing, but the future looks very bleak for me. Good luck and keep it up
  11. Depressed

    My Psychiatrist and Bupropion Have Ruined My Life — Bizarre Coincidence

    On the 26th of April i went to visit my psychiatrist to try a new antidepressant, and what she prescribed me, a bupropion called elontril, has caused tinnitus in my right ear. I hadn't taken antidepressants for years because the others didn't help, but i decided to give it a shot again. After...