Recent content by devilinthedust

  1. D

    If Your Heart Stopped and You Died for a While, But Came Back, Would the Tinnitus Go Away?

    Since tinnitus is said to occur because the brain is trying to compensate for sounds that it is no longer hearing, if your heart stopped and you died but came back, would the tinnitus go away or come back when you did. What do you think?
  2. D

    How Do You Find Forgiveness When Your Tinnitus Was Caused by Another Person/Source?

    Forgiveness is hard whether your condition comes from other people, or from a decision that you made. Either way, you can't change the outcome. It's easy to blame someone else, if they are careless, even though they clearly meant you no harm. The truth of the matter is , most people have never...
  3. D

    My Dearest Tinnitus Sufferers — I'm Torn Apart — I Want to End This Waking Nightmare

    First, let me say how sorry I am for your current situation. Spikes and changes in our condition are never easy. No doubt there will be many, many times that most of us will have to adjust to a change. Having said that, Suicide is Never the answer. I understand your pain, I truly do, even though...
  4. D

    An ENT Doctor with Tinnitus

    Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry that this thing has happened to you though, as it is not a pleasant experience at all. I wish you the best, and hope you find peace with your new reality. It takes time to adjust and some have it better than others. There will be good days and bad ones. That's the...
  5. D

    What's the Safest Way to Listen to Music?

    No, it still rises when I listen to music, but I think that as time has gone on, I have become more tolerant of the rise. Not sure if that makes sense of not, but you get used to certain things happening and they bother you less. At least in my case anyway. It's almost like I know it's going to...
  6. D

    What's the Safest Way to Listen to Music?

    I'm certainly no expert here, and I'm really in the early days of tinnitus (15 months), but I would think that your ears need sound to heal, at least to the level they can. It would seem that cutting off all sound would be detrimental to the healing process. Certainly you should use caution and...
  7. D

    A Valid Reason Why Habituation Should Not Be Glorified

    I think everybody here would love to have a cure for this dreaded monster, and hopefully some day we will. The problem is, that cure is not coming over night, and life goes on. I used to love listening to music, and at first that was hard . It's gotten better, in the sense that I can now listen...
  8. D

    Fed Up... Anybody Else Thinking About Ending It All?

    Thought about it, yes. I think most people have at one time or another. Will I ever do it, never. I will fight this evil monster til the day I die, and that day will not come by my own hand. My life has changed in some respects, like everybody else here, but I'm still a blessed man. So many...
  9. D

    Hi! I'm Frank, USN Retired.

    Welcome Frank. I'm sorry, that like the rest of us, you have to await a cure. Hopefully in time there will be one. In the meantime, I'd like to say, thank you for service. It is greatly appreciated. Enjoy the forum.
  10. D

    I'm Regressing Back into Thoughts of...

    I totally understand how you feel. I've been dealing with this nightmare for a little over a year now and it was really tough in the first few months. I know that you don't want to hear this right now, but it does get better with time. I , just like you, said I would never get used to it. I...
  11. D

    Did I Just Mess Up My Hearing Further...? Ate at a Semi Loud Restaurant

    Easier than living with a lifetime of tinnitus. Comparatively, yes, ending it all takes just a second. Did I mean to imply that it was not without requiring a lot of fortitude , absolutely not. The decision to end it all is a relatively easy one if you are disposed to that, and it only takes a...
  12. D

    Did I Just Mess Up My Hearing Further...? Ate at a Semi Loud Restaurant

    "One mistake" can change your life forever. Unfortunate but true. The simple truth is most of us here probably made that "one mistake" and ended up here. Nobody chose to live with this disease, for lack of a better term. Life throws you a curve and you have to deal with it the best you can. Does...
  13. D

    Career in Music — Now Hearing Loss & Tinnitus — How to Cope

    "Life's most beautiful thing" is life itself. I can certainly understand how you feel. When I first got this dreaded condition I packed up all my guitars, all my stereo equipment, cd's, everything. I wanted no part of the life I had lived to that point. I was mad and angry, and I wanted to die...
  14. D

    Does Anyone Else Get Resentful of People with Healthy Hearing?

    Resentful? No. Exhausted at times, yes. With tinnitus being a hidden condition (from the outside you seem fine, normal), it can be hard for people to understand. Sometimes it bothers me that they can imagine what I'm going through, and at the same time, I'd glad they can't (because that would...
  15. D

    Should You Avoid Loud Sounds for a Period of Time After Noise-Induced Tinnitus Onset?

    Yeah my doctor said the same thing. What a fool. Talking about things of which he knows nothing. It was only after I stopped listening to him that my T begin to improve and lower in volume. I wouldn't listen to any ENT when it comes to my condition. They simple don't have a clue. I'm sorry, but...