Recent content by dfw

  1. dfw

    Having Better Days.

    Having Better Days.
  2. dfw

    Tinnitus & Chronic Pain

  3. dfw

    I Give Up

  4. dfw

    Horrible month. As hope slowly leaves my mind, dark days ahead

    Horrible month. As hope slowly leaves my mind, dark days ahead
  5. dfw

    I Give Up

    I’m a month in and it starting to seem like this is never going back to baseline. My right ear has started being being noisy, when it wasn’t. This spike or (permanent) loudness has me back to horrible feelings. I back to the point of such despair, I just don’t know what to do. This is the most...
  6. dfw

    Poll: How Old Were You When You First Got Tinnitus?

    Wow. So sorry for most of y’all on this poll. Didn’t realize the majority are in their 20’s onset. I guess I’m one of the “lucky” ones So much for the medical theory it’s only hair cells. I’m assuming a lot of people in their 20’s don’t have much hearing loss.
  7. dfw

    My Little Sweetheart

    That’s looks like our Billy. Yea!, All our fur babies are so special.
  8. dfw

    First Night Out with the Big Tinnitus

    Talking about Vegas, that is one loud town. The constantly loud sound really doesn’t bother me, so I’m sure in perspective, people that like nightclubs probably have a higher tolerance than myself. I, actually ran nightclubs for years and yes they are loud, but to some the sound is satisfying to...
  9. dfw

    Went to ENT and...

    Your hearing looks good, although mine rebounded sharply at 8. Only dip was at 6. Worse in one ear like about 20 difference at 6. Go figure why only at that level
  10. dfw

    Bose QC35 II Requires to Download an App — Concerns Over Inadvertent Sudden Loud Signals

    Ok one more reply. I love this, because my T is much better, thanks to this spirited debate. That is true. So thanks! I mean that sincerely. Cancel=eliminate They do not eliminate all sound If you have 1000’s of hours actual useage, as I, then you know, provided your hearing is good, that you...
  11. dfw

    I Give Up

    Isn’t that the truth!! The person I talk to tells me I can remember every loud noise now, not something I’m proud of, but it’s true right now. She says, part of healing will be the point when I can let that go. Let’s see, a bus in Paris at 10 feet with a loud horn, dishes at a restaurant...
  12. dfw

    I Give Up

    That was my feeling in the 80’s. Friends dying weekly, myself, living in fear daily. People were dying in their 20’s. For the most part, people didn’t care, because of the population that was dying. know what, the sun rose again. Have you tried hearing aids? Have you tried...
  13. dfw

    Bose QC35 II Requires to Download an App — Concerns Over Inadvertent Sudden Loud Signals

    Either way I really don’t care at this point. You have taken my entire post out of context. I was trying to help this person understand the « simple » dynamics, since they obviously are having a hard time and to get into the dynamics of all the formulas would be pointless. I am not a...
  14. dfw

    Bose QC35 II Requires to Download an App — Concerns Over Inadvertent Sudden Loud Signals

    I never said it had no effect. I agree it has effect. As I stated with it turned on the reduction in dB is 13-17, by published studies. As stated the reduction is less with it turned off. I stated, because I’m not an expert, that there is more at work with sound waves, to accomplish this. I was...