Recent content by Discovery1

  1. Discovery1

    Auris Medical AG: 3rd Quarter Results 2015

    Just as a side note with regards to Auris Medical being as you say the only "player in the game" I don't agree. I actually bought the article on SF0034 which was published in the Journal of Neuroscience, June 10, 2015, and I read it many times with a scientific perspective. And btw I encourage...
  2. Discovery1

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    I can't state if it is low or not phase II evaluates the efficacy but also side effects. They are looking for a dose that shows some kind of effect (not necessary the effectiveness of the drug at this stage) but side effects need to be minimal to take things to phase 3. We can't compare Aut with...
  3. Discovery1

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    @swc5150 : great point Let's not forget the dose they used in the trial is quite low compared to the one used in pre-clinicals. Without a doubt it will be adjusted/increased. Which means the effects will improve even more, perhaps replicate what happened in the pre-clinicals i.e abolished...
  4. Discovery1

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    It wouldn't hurt to have this drug on the market while they are finalizing their study data
  5. Discovery1

    I Was a Guinea Pig in the Autifony QUIET-1 Study, Great Results

    On a brief pharmacological note, in this source from Autifony I read that the dose for AUT3 was 30 mg/kg on Long Evans rats which have their weight specified in scientific sources. The primary outcome measure on the Autifony wesbsite states "Primary Outcome Measures: Change in subjective...
  6. Discovery1

    I Was a Guinea Pig in the Autifony QUIET-1 Study, Great Results

    Great news! This stands out from the other trials I'm curious to see the stats on the participants improvement when phase 2 is completed To be honest though my guess is they might modify the dose and duration, but it will be taken for relief only hard to believe a med could cure such a complex...
  7. Discovery1

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Anybody knows whether a Phase IIb will occur after this, or Phase 3?
  8. Discovery1

    "I Would Not Believe Anyone Who Says That a Cure Is Just Around the Corner"

    I think for a lot of people a cure for T is the end of the phantom sound. If this is combined with careful behavior around noisy areas in general, then yes it all can seem like back to normal even if the real inner ear damage isn't directly cured. While the scientists refine their hair...
  9. Discovery1

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    About 50 M USD were invested into AM-101 and the results confirmed the drug failed. Let's face it Am-101 is delivered in a intra-tympanic way, which is an uncalibrated way, and the drug wasn't specific enough to target the root cause of tinnitus. Now they're talking about micro-pumps and the...
  10. Discovery1

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Autifony drug has potential If, by year end results are not up to the expected goals, adjustments in dose and duration will be made. Until they get it right. That's it. The rest is speculation and has no real value...
  11. Discovery1

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Autifony will not improve pure tone threshholds from my understanding. Only repair/regeneration of hair cells will do that. The drug is aimed at improving auditory processing with background noise and eliminating T, but it works deep in the brain, not in the cochlea. There is no regeneration of...
  12. Discovery1

    A Message of Hope

    Interesting link, thanks for sharing
  13. Discovery1

    A Message of Hope

    This morning I woke up with an extremely annoying thought about my life and this constant ringing. I truly asked myself if I will be able to handle this intrusion of my right to silence and constantly ignore the sound for a lifetime. And at first, the answer was no! So I sat down and really...