Recent content by Doga

  1. Doga

    Congratz! I feel strangely awkward for saying that. Lol :)

    Congratz! I feel strangely awkward for saying that. Lol :)
  2. Doga

    If Music Gives You Goosebumps, Your Brain Might Be Special

    Damn... I am not special and I have tinnitus. Anyone wants my brain?
  3. Doga

    Hot Showers

    The doctors checked everything and it seems like the only damage is in the inner ear and upper hearing ways through the brain(might be). One more fact, my head would explode since I am a student pilot and I do landings and take-offs about 12 times a day :D @threefirefour
  4. Doga

    Hot Showers

    Well.. Either I am corrupted beyond the line or it really sounds like it :D. @jimH
  5. Doga

    First Time Flying

    Dude I fly 4-5 days a week and it does not affect my tinnitus. But, stress might cause an increase. So, relax enjoy the sky you deserve it :). For your ears, there are special earplugs to balance the air pressure. They will surely comfort you.
  6. Doga

    Hot Showers

    Hey guys! I know my title looks like a cheap porn title, but hear me out :). First of all, I have noise induced tinnitus and i get spikes a lot because of where i study. It is really really loud. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to use any ear protection which sucks for me. Since I am not doing...
  7. Doga

    Selam, benzer sorunları paylaşıyoruz. Hatta ben de Ahmet Şirin'e muayene oldum. Erken süreçte...

    Selam, benzer sorunları paylaşıyoruz. Hatta ben de Ahmet Şirin'e muayene oldum. Erken süreçte olduğu için bana r-TMS uygulamadı hatta FMRI'a bile girmedim ilaç tedavisiyle geçiceği yönünde umudu vardı ama 7 haftadır bir değişme olmadı malesef. Okuduğum bölüm yüzünden ilerleyen günlerde daha da...
  8. Doga

    Damn you tinnitus! You're a cruel mistress.

    Damn you tinnitus! You're a cruel mistress.