Recent content by Dolgoruki

  1. Dolgoruki

    Poll: If Your Tinnitus Fluctuates Daily, Does Sunlight Affect Your Tinnitus Loudness?

    I found this old post while searching for "sunlight". At this point I can definitely state that exposure to sunlight positively affect my tinnitus. I have a lot of pre/post exposure data point that I can even normalize by other dimensions (street level, physical activity, diet etc). If I...
  2. Dolgoruki

    Effectiveness of Intratympanic Dexamethasone With Lidocaine (Lignocaine) for Alleviation of Tinnitus

    I recently received a shot of Lidocaine next to the left ear as part of a root canal procedure, and it completely silenced my tinnitus for several hours and lowered the intensity for several more. It took more than 24 hours to go back to baseline. I'd definitely take a hyper-target shit of...
  3. Dolgoruki

    Will Short-Term Vicodin Use Make Tinnitus Worse?

    @Brian P, did it have any long lasting effects on your baseline?
  4. Dolgoruki

    Will Short-Term Vicodin Use Make Tinnitus Worse?

    Hello Tinnitus Talk community! I recently underwent surgery and my doctor prescribed Vicodin to mitigate the pain (which is really bothering me right now, making it difficult to sleep and operate functionally). The course should only last for 5-6 days (until the pain become more manageable) but...
  5. Dolgoruki

    Ketamine Relieves Depression by Restoring Brain Connections

    Mind sharing the name of the Santa Monica clinic? That's where I live and was considering this option as well.
  6. Dolgoruki

    @kuromi that's great to hear! Sometimes when I get frustrated in the evening I remind myself...

    @kuromi that's great to hear! Sometimes when I get frustrated in the evening I remind myself that my current worst is better than the older best. That thought keeps me hoping I am on a path of further recovery. Best of luck!
  7. Dolgoruki

    same here! I wake up with near to no tinnitus and to a much smoother tone too. As time goes by...

    same here! I wake up with near to no tinnitus and to a much smoother tone too. As time goes by throughout the day it start to get louder and it usually peaks at around bed time. I still see it as an improvement since until only a few months ago the volume was pretty much the same morning...
  8. Dolgoruki

    Transcranial Stimulation Treatments (rTMS & tDCS & tACS)

    I'm on the same boat: 20 dB dip at 4 kHz from using earphones. I didn't have any acoustic trauma and had stopped using earphones a few months prior to the sudden offset (happened during the lockdown and didn't go out much in that period.). My ENT however attributed my tinnitus onset to that dip...
  9. Dolgoruki

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    This is just based on my intuition, but I think that once they got the molecule right, improving the delivery mechanism - as hard as it can be - will either be a problem of lower magnitude, or one that they will be extremely motivated in solving.
  10. Dolgoruki

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I did an MRI a couple months ago. I was wearing earplugs + earmuffs that they provided which made the experience manageable (although still stressful). Personally I find loud high-frequency sounds to be the worst for my tinnitus, while the sounds in the MRI seemed to mostly be lower...
  11. Dolgoruki

    Kava Kava for Tinnitus — Post Your Experience!

    Just tried micronized Kava root by Kalm with Kava for the first time. Mixed it with almond milk and drank it on an empty stomach. It didn't do much for my tinnitus but it made me feel more relaxed and a tiny bit high, which is quite the accomplishment in and on itself since THC is not an...
  12. Dolgoruki

    New Sleeping/Insomnia Medicine: Dayvigo (Lemborexant) — Here's My Experience

    I tried it last night and had a terrible experience with it! I ended up experiencing sleep paralysis (which was really terrorizing) and barely caught any sleep. Dayvigo is definitely a hard pass for me.
  13. Dolgoruki

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    FX-322 has shown results in word recognition scores. Isn't that a function of hearing health at lower frequencies, and already proof that FX-322 can be beneficial also for the lower frequencies? I have mild hearing loss in the 4 kHz - 5 kHz range so I really hope that is in fact the case...