Recent content by Donna Gaumond

  1. Donna Gaumond

    It Got Better for Me

    I've had tinnitus for 42 years. I damaged the bones in both middle ears due to a traumatic head injury whe I was 16. I hear all different sounds. Some are worse than others. I have to have sound around me all the time. I am a teacher rand when the students are not in the room, I have music...
  2. Donna Gaumond


    Oh I forgot, I am going to have an MRI to make sure he is correct. I also have carpal tunnel syndrome. Oh well! I think if your tinnitus is not serious, I'd rather learn to deal with it. I actually have had it since I was 16 and I'mm 55 now. Ya' think I've learned!!!
  3. Donna Gaumond


    I had a cat scan of my neck, ears and head. Everything was fine. I was sent to a neurologist today in case I has intercranial pressure causing the whooshing. He said that I do not have that but he believes that because I have a hearing loss in both ears the ear with the heartbeat sound is...
  4. Donna Gaumond

    Pulsatile Tinnitus — Now on Tinnitus Talk

    Yes, and I don't have headaches either. You just took a weight off my shoulders. This condition was a bad one. Well I'll let you know if that's what I have. What other tests did they give you?
  5. Donna Gaumond

    Pulsatile Tinnitus — Now on Tinnitus Talk

    Hi, Karen, I found out that my cat scan angiogram was normal. I am now going to go to a neurologist for a check on a rare condition related to cranial pressure, I think. If that is negative then I'm off to a specialized ear doctor at Mass Eye and Ear. Don't know what it all means but at...
  6. Donna Gaumond

    Relief After 40 Years

    I'm so happy that you are doing better. I wonder what the kinesiologist did? It would be nice if others could be helped.
  7. Donna Gaumond

    Pulsatile Tinnitus — Now on Tinnitus Talk

    Do any doctors every read these posts and think about what might be the cause of this or the cure. Is any research being done? Is this dangerous?
  8. Donna Gaumond

    Stressed Out!

    Okay, I had the Cat scan of my head, neck and ears. My doctor is on vacation. I have an appointment on the 16th. I called and asked to have the results. I was told everything was normal. I know it is not because I still have the whooshing 24/7. Sometimes it is louder than other times. If...
  9. Donna Gaumond

    Hi Everyone,

    Hi Everyone,
  10. Donna Gaumond

    Pulsatile Tinnitus — Now on Tinnitus Talk

    Thanks, After reading all of these posts I feel like telling people that this is usually not life threatenng. There are so many worse things that could be wrong. My advice is make sure there is nothing wrong besides the tinnitus, get enough sleep, surround yourself with comforting noise...
  11. Donna Gaumond

    The mechanism of tinnitus explained.

    This makes sense for many people but not for me. My tinnitus the high pitched constant ringing comes from a head injury, I was in a coma for 11 days. The boned in both ears were damaged, I had one reconstructed. I'm sure I have muscle damage and scar tissue in both ears which might account...
  12. Donna Gaumond

    Pulsatile Tinnitus — Now on Tinnitus Talk

    Hi Karen, I had the CAT scans. My doctor is now on vacation so I won't hear the results until the 16th, which to me is crazy. I hope that if anything is serious, I would find out before them. The test wasn't bad. It was the one with contrast and without. The most uncomfortable thing about the...
  13. Donna Gaumond

    Pulsatile Tinnitus — Now on Tinnitus Talk

    Hi Chris, I can understand what you are going through. Do you wear hearing aides? Sometimes wearing the hearing aid can mask the sounds because you hear more sounds. I find I can mask the heartbeat sounds when they are at a lower volume than the ringing. Have you tried a sound machine or a...
  14. Donna Gaumond

    Pulsatile Tinnitus — Now on Tinnitus Talk

    Thanks Karen. How long have you had tinnitus? I've had it for 40 years and this is the first time I can relate to people who understand what it is like. Have you ever had a Cat scan angiogram? I went on line to find out about them but quickly got off because I don't need to be scared right...
  15. Donna Gaumond

    Pulsatile Tinnitus — Now on Tinnitus Talk

    Right now my tinnitus is a high pitched ringing. A few minutes ago I had the whooshing sound of my heart beat. I welcome the normal tinnitus now because the heartbeat sounds are so loud. I am having a cat scan angiogram tomorrow on my neck and head and Friday on my left ear mastoid. A little...