DrewM Aug 18, 2020 I wonder if the stress from the wellbutrin taper is doing more damage to my ears than the meds themselves. It's all so confusing.
I wonder if the stress from the wellbutrin taper is doing more damage to my ears than the meds themselves. It's all so confusing.
DrewM Aug 18, 2020 Was very anxious about a stomachache today. Thought it could be something serious. T shot up. Will have to learn to manage my hypochondria.
Was very anxious about a stomachache today. Thought it could be something serious. T shot up. Will have to learn to manage my hypochondria.
DrewM Aug 17, 2020 Been going back and forth about wearing ear protection while driving. A very loud truck drove past me today. Will wear muffs from now on.
Been going back and forth about wearing ear protection while driving. A very loud truck drove past me today. Will wear muffs from now on.
DrewM Aug 17, 2020 Took a warm bath today - very relaxing. My T seemed softer. Seems stress has a lot to do with T, or at least how loud I percieve it.
Took a warm bath today - very relaxing. My T seemed softer. Seems stress has a lot to do with T, or at least how loud I percieve it.
DrewM Aug 16, 2020 Anxiety about t is high. Took ear plugs in and out sitting on my patio in the rain. Felt a slight pop in one ear. T is same, still worried
Anxiety about t is high. Took ear plugs in and out sitting on my patio in the rain. Felt a slight pop in one ear. T is same, still worried
DrewM Aug 16, 2020 Hard to sleep. Took 12.5mg of doxylamine last night. Got to sleep but woke up a lot. T seems about the same this morning.
Hard to sleep. Took 12.5mg of doxylamine last night. Got to sleep but woke up a lot. T seems about the same this morning.
DrewM Aug 16, 2020 T and H got progressively worse today. They're screaming in both ears. Trying to hang in there :'(
DrewM Aug 15, 2020 Cleaning fish tank with my dad. Got some gravel in the disposal. He turned it on to test it. Plugged my ears - still have another spike
Cleaning fish tank with my dad. Got some gravel in the disposal. He turned it on to test it. Plugged my ears - still have another spike
DrewM Aug 15, 2020 When I smoke weed, T seems louder but it goes back down. I've been smoking every day and still seeing improvement. But I will cut back a bit
When I smoke weed, T seems louder but it goes back down. I've been smoking every day and still seeing improvement. But I will cut back a bit
DrewM Aug 15, 2020 Just found out my brother has had T for years and it's never bothered him (lucky). I will try to learn from him.
Just found out my brother has had T for years and it's never bothered him (lucky). I will try to learn from him.
DrewM Aug 15, 2020 Weird thing about my spike: my whine is louder but my cricket noises are still the same. Maybe the former is noise and latter is medication.
Weird thing about my spike: my whine is louder but my cricket noises are still the same. Maybe the former is noise and latter is medication.
DrewM Aug 15, 2020 T spike from last night's glass breaking incident still going strong. I'll give it a few days.
DrewM Aug 15, 2020 Found a scorpion in my kitchen tonight. Immediately went to kill it, knocking over and breaking a glass jar. T spike but not too bad.
Found a scorpion in my kitchen tonight. Immediately went to kill it, knocking over and breaking a glass jar. T spike but not too bad.
DrewM Aug 14, 2020 Starting my taper for wellbutrin. Feeling confused w/ aches in spine and muscles. This could be due to lack of sleep. Hope this goes well.
Starting my taper for wellbutrin. Feeling confused w/ aches in spine and muscles. This could be due to lack of sleep. Hope this goes well.
DrewM Aug 13, 2020 Skipped a dose of wellbutrin yesterday - tinnitus seemed better but got horrible brain zaps. Will talk to my psych about tapering today.
Skipped a dose of wellbutrin yesterday - tinnitus seemed better but got horrible brain zaps. Will talk to my psych about tapering today.
DrewM Aug 12, 2020 I noticed I tend to ruminate on events that maybe cause spikes. Trying to get into the space of "It happened, it's done, learn if you can".
I noticed I tend to ruminate on events that maybe cause spikes. Trying to get into the space of "It happened, it's done, learn if you can".
DrewM Aug 12, 2020 Tried some CBD gummies yesterday + today. Doesn't seem to affect T but it does calm me down.
DrewM Aug 12, 2020 Forgot my earmuffs today when I went out - got out of my car and walked past my neighbors doing really loud construction. Maybe minor spike.
Forgot my earmuffs today when I went out - got out of my car and walked past my neighbors doing really loud construction. Maybe minor spike.
DrewM Aug 12, 2020 Got a weird new lower tone today out of nowhere, but also seems like it made my high pitched whine softer. My flutters haven't changed.
Got a weird new lower tone today out of nowhere, but also seems like it made my high pitched whine softer. My flutters haven't changed.