Recent content by Drg

  1. Drg

    Regenokine (Orthokine) Treatment: Meniere's Disease “100 Percent Cured” in Germany?

    Hello AnnaW. I am not sure why my condition went into remission for so long. I do know that when it did come back I had been really bad with my diet. I became slack in watching my salt intake, I had been drinking more alcohol than usual, and worst of all - I had been consuming an obscene...
  2. Drg

    Regenokine (Orthokine) Treatment: Meniere's Disease “100 Percent Cured” in Germany?

    I also suffer with Meniere's. I was diagnosed 3 years ago but I was in remission until this January. After that attack I have been miserable. I have my consult with Dr. Capla on Monday - really hopeful that this is the answer. I am also looking at low level laser, chelation, Wahl's Protocol...
  3. Drg

