Recent content by Dylan

  1. Dylan

    Anybody Working in the Medical Field?

    Was curious to see if anybody is working in the medical field as a nurse or something similar? Does T affect your job? I'm in my last semester of respiratorytherapy school, my T started Jan 5th 2015 just before I was to start my last semester. Last rounds of clinicals start soon, was looking...
  2. Dylan

    Newbie Here, College?

    Wow! I want to thank you all for the motivation and success stories really is a breath of fresh air. My T is high pitched with a roaring sound, but I have to admit the last two days it has calmed down and it really is only bothersome at night I can sleep if I mask it with a fan. I hope it...
  3. Dylan

    Newbie Here, College?

    Hudson that's great to hear congratulations on your success in engineering school. Stacey, I wasn't aware of the 3 month time frame that definatly gives me hope. I have gone to my GP she said I didn't have any type of infection but she did see some fluid behind the eardrum hopefully after that...
  4. Dylan

    Newbie Here, College?

    Hello everybody, I'm so glad I Found this support. My tinnitus came on suddenly Monday night jam 5th after leaving the gym. I'm gurssing it's noise induced after years of listening to loud music. I see an ENT this following Monday, but from what I've read there is no cure which gives me no...