Recent content by Earforartsache

  1. Earforartsache

    Hearing Protection for MRI Exam?

    I am in the UK and can tell you my MRI machine was loud as hell with headphones on. What really got my attention was the noise level of the music being played through the headphones. Not a great idea for any tinnitus sufferer. :(
  2. Earforartsache

    Any Musicians Suffering with High Pitched Type Tinnitus?

    Hi All, I am new here and in search of the elusive cure for tinnitus. Now been suffering high pitched tinnitus for approximately 2.3 years. I am an ex pro musician and wondering if it can be brought on by historic noise conditions. Anyone else found this.There is also some info across the web...
  3. Earforartsache

    Regretting My MRI...

    My tinnitus started the week after I'd taken naproxen tablets, that's 16 months ago now and is now starting to get to me, I'm not a fan of anti depressants or sleeping tabs all of which have been prescribed. I am new to this forum and very interesting reading through how others are coping with...
  4. Earforartsache

    Regretting My MRI...

    Sorry think this is posted in the wrong thread. Had an MRI scan 8 months ago and was as noisy as hell. My tinnitus is 24/7 for 16 months so far in my left ear, lucky if I get 4 hours sleep a night. Doesn't look like going away any time soon. I also have perfect hearing in both ears so am a...