Recent content by Elizabeth Lada

  1. Elizabeth Lada

    Oh for a Moment of Pure Silence

    Thanks - I think! Now my son has one more thing to blame me for o_O But interesting to know that there could be a genetic component. Now if that could lead to finding the mechanism of action, and then some protocol to disrupt it. It seems like there would be a lot of profits in this for the...
  2. Elizabeth Lada

    Oh for a Moment of Pure Silence

    Thanks Greg for your quick reply. I don't have significant hearing loss (most of it in the same range as the tinnitus), so at least that's a positive. But I'll check out California Ear Institute - thanks for the recommendation! - Elizabeth
  3. Elizabeth Lada

    Oh for a Moment of Pure Silence

    I’ve had constant, moderately severe tinnitus in both ears for 16 years, from unknown causes. I’m only partially habituated, and this continual screeching in my head is often hard to bear. A question: does this condition run in families? My 30 year old son recently developed it as well. Hoping...