Recent content by Ellaenchanted868

  1. E

    hi! hope ur doing well. if u don't mind, what were ur initial neurological symptoms? i suffer...

    hi! hope ur doing well. if u don't mind, what were ur initial neurological symptoms? i suffer from an undiagnosed condition since 2018 that gives me tingling &now i think i have H. when u said u experienced sensitivity to all sounds, what was the discomfort like w/high frequencies specifically...
  2. E

    i'm glad to hear you're doing better! it gives me hope

    i'm glad to hear you're doing better! it gives me hope
  3. E

    wow thats really inspiring to hear! how were u able to live w it? and what were/are ur H...

    wow thats really inspiring to hear! how were u able to live w it? and what were/are ur H symptoms? i'll add that i'm struggling with knowing if i have it or not so i'm isolating from loud noises/earphones just in case but i suffer from severe anxiety and fear of noxacusis
  4. E

    i'm happy to hear that! yeah definitely think i have TTTS the way u described it. does TTTS...

    i'm happy to hear that! yeah definitely think i have TTTS the way u described it. does TTTS always come with h? i'm still going to protect myself regardless of it's H or anxiety
  5. E

    ahh okay, what did u do that helped it? and what caused the H/TTTS? i'm really anxious rn can't...

    ahh okay, what did u do that helped it? and what caused the H/TTTS? i'm really anxious rn can't tell if its H/TTTS or both :/
  6. E

    hi, what were ur initial symptoms of H and how long did the onset take?

    hi, what were ur initial symptoms of H and how long did the onset take?
  7. E

    hi, saw some of ur comments and i wanted to ask u what caused it all for u? also if u have H...

    hi, saw some of ur comments and i wanted to ask u what caused it all for u? also if u have H what were ur initial symptoms and did u have sensitive hearing even before onset?
  8. E

    hey i saw ur comments abr hyperacusis, how are u doing now? im strugglng in knowing if i have it...

    hey i saw ur comments abr hyperacusis, how are u doing now? im strugglng in knowing if i have it or not and i'm having panic attacks. what were ur initial symptoms?
  9. E

    hi, i saw ur comments from 2017 on ttts. how is it now and what was the cause? what were ur...

    hi, i saw ur comments from 2017 on ttts. how is it now and what was the cause? what were ur intitial symptoms and did u have hyperacusis?