Recent content by Emelie

  1. Emelie

    My Audiologist's Tinnitus Went Away

    Thank's for sharing! How are you feeling? Any decrease in your T volume? I noticed that your story is similar to mine. /Emelie
  2. Emelie

    Left Ear Tinnitus Cause?

    Hi! What kind of antibiotics and why did you take it? Infections can cause tinnitus... /Emelie
  3. Emelie

    Can Tinnitus Go Away by Itself After Months?

    It's possible. My tinnitus went away after 7 months (11 years ago). Unfortunately it's back due to an tooth infection...
  4. Emelie

    Tinnitus Due to Stress/Burnout Gone

    Facebook HRF: Tinnitus och ljudöverkänslighet
  5. Emelie

    Tinnitus Due to Stress/Burnout Gone

    I'm not sure. I can ask :)
  6. Emelie

    Tinnitus After Tooth Infection

    Hi! Mine started during the antibiotics (a penicillin called Kåvepenin). Could be the medication or the infection (or both). Have you seen any improvements in the ringing? /Emelie
  7. Emelie

    Tinnitus After Tooth Infection

    Hi Val, I'm thinking about having mine remowed since they are causing so much trouble. My ringning changes s lot in both sound, volume and ear... Sometimes it's about level 2/10 and sometimes 6/10. It's much worse during a cold. Have you seen any improvement during these months? I don't have...
  8. Emelie

    Tinnitus After Tooth Infection

    Hi Val, I'm experiencing the same thing (tinnitus after an infection in my wisdom tooth). I'm five months in... Are you feeling any better? Best regards Emelie
  9. Emelie

    Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Tinnitus?

    Has your son gone through the procedure?
  10. Emelie

    Recovery from Drug-Induced Tinnitus?

    No hearing loss.
  11. Emelie

    Tinnitus Due to Stress/Burnout Gone

    Hi, I just want to share two success stories from my Swedish forum. Both girls had tinnitus due to stress/burnout. One of them had it for 3,5 years and the other one for 5 years but now it's gone. I guess the human body really can heal. /Emelie
  12. Emelie

    Recovery from Drug-Induced Tinnitus?

    Any success stories? I am 5 months in after getting tinnitus from antibiotics (and an infection in my wisdom tooth). I had tinnitus for about 7 months in 2006/2007 but it went away (cause unknown). Guess I am not that lucky this time... Emelie
  13. Emelie

    "I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become." - Carl Gustav Jung

    "I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become." - Carl Gustav Jung
  14. Emelie

    Can Tinnitus Really Go Away or Is It a Myth?

    I had T for about 7 months back in 2006-2007. It was (probably) caused by stress and muscle tensions in my neck and jaw. Now, 11 years later, my T is back. It started with an infection in my wisdom tooth. I'm 4 months in. Anyway, I just wanted to share my success story from 2007. Best wishes...
  15. Emelie

    I'm Tired of Tinnitus Controlling My Life

    @Fangen I feel exactly the same. Ta hand om dig!