Sounds as though you maybe considering having your wisdom teeth removed. You said they are impacted but perhaps now erupting and starting to emerge and you feel related pain.
Uppers...generally no problem. Lowers can be. I am an example of worse case in fact. I have had perfect health my whole life...gifted with no health issues and great hearing btw. I didn't know I had a statistical outlier lower right hand side wisdom tooth that would change my life. So I had this tooth removed late in life with dire consequences and in fact perhaps a contributor to my tinnitus as tinnitus doesn't run in my family but I have been around a lot of loud environments that I would intermittently wear ear protection but in hindsight, I could have done more.
I know money it tight for everybody or at least most people. When you get your wisdom teeth out, get at least 'two to three' evaluations. You can request the x-rays from the first and take in hand to the second...I ended up having a cone CAT scan for mine because it was so problematic prior to surgery which was performed in a hospital because the local oral surgeon wouldn't remove mine because of anticipated risk which btw turned out to be true. I don't want to alarm you but better to be safe than sorry because wisdom teeth extraction should be done when you are young because of bone density in particular.
When you have your evaluation(s) ask the following questions.
- Are my lower teeth horizontally impacted?
- What is the distance from the tooth root tip relative to my inferior alveolar nerve on each lower tooth?
Those are the signature questions to assess risk of nerve damage when having lower wisdom teeth removed.
Copy and paste this post for posterity into a word file and save it on your desktop.
Your life moving forward after having your wisdom teeth removed will be the best possible outcome if you adhere to this advice. You don't want mouth/jaw/gum/tongue nerve damage + tinnitus like I have.
As to me, I had a true statistical outlier tooth in waiting that had to come out because of bone loss and pocketing that can occur if a wisdom tooth is left in later in life. Btw, if being a statistical outlier, I would have much preferred to the best rock guitarist or the best at something else.

I have met with countless oral surgeons and neurology specialists. There is literally nothing that would have been done differently in my case. I went to the top facial surgeon in my state. My tooth extraction wouldn't even permit a coronectomy which is the sectioning of the tooth and leaving the root in place next to the nerve such that the nerve is less assaulted.
So...each of us are different. Wisdom teeth extraction can be a walk in the with neuropathic pain. Just to let you know, I have corresponded with a hundred people like myself all over the world...seeking answers for their pain who have had their life altered by wisdom tooth extraction...other statistical outliers if you will. So wisdom teeth can be like tinnitus in that sense...unanticipated and many times beyond our control. Some day I may tell the story on there about one particular brave lady that has given me inspiration. She has endured pain that three people should have never experienced in their lifetime. There btw are even very few options to kill the nerve on some level as sometimes when a nerve is deliberately killed because of pain or sectioned to mitigate pain, sensation is lost which is real bad around the mouth as you may imagine for eating, speaking and intimacy...and pain can remain....perhaps you have heard of the concept of phantom pain when a limb is lost for example...same principle.
Lastly, find the BEST oral surgeon to remove your wisdom teeth...NOT....a local dentist. Ask around in your area who is the best.
Hope that helps and best of luck.