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  • Anyone ever take Cyclobenzaprine for TMJ or inflammation issues? Any effect on T?
    Really suffering. I hope access to regenerative medicine isn't too far away.
    Thanks for the kind words, @Steph1710. Same to you. Hope you're getting on ok.
    Hang in there man. I know it's difficult as all of us here go through it, and as much as I understand how that doesn't help in these moments, you'll get through this. Always here to talk.
    Thanks man, @tbuzz89. Appreciate the support. T continues to worsen so it's been really tough. Hope you're starting to feel better.
    This reactive T is torture. I feel like I'm not even alive.
    It's the most difficult thing I've personally ever had to face. How are you doing today?
    @tbuzz89 Unfortunately, I haven't seen any improvement at all. This is debilitating. How are you feeling?
    Could there be a correlation between Reactive T and TMJ?
    @aot My TMJ has been acting up really bad lately, and I think that may be playing a role in the severity of my T.
    I always wonder what kind of T is caused by TMJ because I suspect I have it, too.
    @ASilverLight I just got fitted for a TMJ splint today. I'm hoping that relieves muscle tension and reduces my T even a little.
    I get real worried that FX-322 and tinnitus treatments won't work for reactive T.
    Hi, @Christiaan. Sometimes I just worry because of how strong my reactivity is. The science would suggest that you're right and I'm just being overly concerned. I hope we all get fixed soon.
    Yeah, it's hard to wait to get used to this @Emgee. But it could always change for the better in the meantime before we get that fix! I had reactive T too, but after two months (from onset) , my T decided to become a lazy basterd and no longer reacts to certain high frequency sounds. Hope it turns out the same way for you too!
    That's great to hear @Christiaan. Mine is so reactive that even low-level sounds within my house cause my T to go crazy. Hoping for some relief.
    I hope I can enjoy music again one day. Being a musician was my life.
    @Emgee yes it is, but both sides have completely different noises. I don't really have a pure tone that stays (I get one or two from time to time) but most of my noises seem to waver/play on a loop, almost. Very, very strange.
    @ASilverLight Nothing regarding T surprises me anymore. I also have different noises in each year. However, only my right ear is reactive. That's my main issue as it's truly debilitating.
    If my baseline is tolerable, but it reacts to any consistent noise - should I avoid the noise or expose myself to desensitize?
    Bill Bauer
    If I were in your shoes, I would avoid the noise.
    Dairy and sodium = bad.
    @Bill Bauer I have T only in one ear. Baseline is tolerable but it reacts to all external sounds. Goes back down once noise ends. It's like a reactive overlay. Hasn't improved in nearly 3 months now.
    Bill Bauer
    You might experiment with wearing an earplug in that ear...
    @Bill Bauer Even inside the house/low-level sounds? I presumed that would increase my sensitivity, and thus, make my T more reactive.
    My T (only in one ear) reacts to external noise and goes down as soon as the noise ends. Is this H?
    No, it sounds like reactive tinnitus.
    @aot Did you ever experience it?
    Will FX-322 treat reactive T/hyperacusis?
    Nobody knows. It's not intended for tinnitus/hyperacusis, only hearing loss, so who knows what effect it will have on T/H
    If you have noise induced tinnitus and/or hearing loss (often go hand in hand even if you don't notice it, think ultra high frequencies) it might, but as for now that's pure speculation. I suggest looking through the thread as it may answer some of your questions.
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